LiDAR Data Voxelisation

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Documentation for package ‘AMAPVox’ version 2.2.1

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AMAPVox-package AMAPVox package
$-method Extract or Replace Parts of a VoxelSpace Object
$<--method Extract or Replace Parts of a VoxelSpace Object
aboveCanopy Extract canopy from voxel space.
aboveGround Extract ground from voxel space.
AMAPVox AMAPVox package
belowCanopy Extract canopy from voxel space.
belowGround Extract ground from voxel space.
butterfly Identify butterflies from a VoxelSpace object.
canopy Extract canopy from voxel space.
canopyHeight Extract canopy from voxel space.
clear Clear voxel
clear-method Clear voxel
computeG Foliage projection ratio G(theta).
crop Crop voxel space
dim.VoxelSpace Tools inherited from base R for VoxelSpace object.
Extract Extract or Replace Parts of a VoxelSpace Object
fillNA Fill missing values (NA) with averaged neighboring data
getLocalVersions List local AMAPVox versions.
getMaxCorner Gets the x, y, z coordinates of the voxel space top right corner.
getMaxCorner-method Gets the x, y, z coordinates of the voxel space top right corner.
getMinCorner Gets the x, y, z coordinates of the voxel space bottom left corner.
getMinCorner-method Gets the x, y, z coordinates of the voxel space bottom left corner.
getParameter Gets a parameter from the VoxelSpace header.
getParameter-method Gets a parameter from the VoxelSpace header.
getPosition Gets the x, y, z coordinates of a given voxel.
getPosition-method Gets the x, y, z coordinates of a given voxel.
getRemoteVersions List remote AMAPVox versions.
getVoxelSize Gets the elemental size of a voxel (dx, dy, dz) in meter.
getVoxelSize-method Gets the elemental size of a voxel (dx, dy, dz) in meter.
ground Extract ground from voxel space.
groundElevation Extract ground from voxel space.
groundEnergy Extract ground from voxel space.
gui Run AMAPVox
installVersion Install specific AMAPVox version on local computer.
is.VoxelSpace Tools inherited from base R for VoxelSpace object.
length.VoxelSpace Tools inherited from base R for VoxelSpace object.
merge.VoxelSpace Merge two voxel spaces
names.VoxelSpace Tools inherited from base R for VoxelSpace object.
ncol-method Tools inherited from base R for VoxelSpace object.
nrow-method Tools inherited from base R for VoxelSpace object.
plantAreaDensity Plant Area Density (PAD)
plantAreaIndex Plant Area Index (PAI)
plot Plot an object of class VoxelSpace
plot-method Plot an object of class VoxelSpace
plotG Plot G(theta) profiles for one or several leaf angle distribution functions
print.VoxelSpace Tools inherited from base R for VoxelSpace object.
readVoxelSpace Read a voxel file
removeVersion Remove specific AMAPVox version from local computer.
run Run AMAPVox
show-method Tools inherited from base R for VoxelSpace object.
tools Tools inherited from base R for VoxelSpace object.
toRaster Voxel layer to raster
VoxelSpace-class VoxelSpace
writeVoxelSpace Write a voxel file
[[-method Extract or Replace Parts of a VoxelSpace Object
[[<--method Extract or Replace Parts of a VoxelSpace Object