convert.stress.level {ALTopt}R Documentation

Coding and decoding stress level


Convert the stress levels from the actual levels to standardized levels, and vice versa.


convert.stress.level(lowStLv, highStLv, actual = NULL, stand = NULL)



a numeric vector containing the actual lowest stress level of each stress variable in design region.


a numeric vector containing the actual highest stress level of each stress variable in design region.


a data frame or numeric vector containing the design points in actual units.


a data frame or numeric vector containing the design points in standardized units.


When actual is provided, the function converts it to the standardized units and when stand is provided, the function converts it to the actual units.


## Not run: 
  # Generating D optimal design in coded unit.
  Design <- altopt.rc(optType = "D", N = 100, tc = 100, nf = 2, alpha = 1,
  formula = ~x1 + x2 + x1:x2, coef = c(0, -4.086, -1.476, 0.01))

  # Transform the coded unit to actual stress variable's level.
  convert.stress.level(lowStLv = c(34.834, 4.094), highStLv = c(30.288, 4.5),
  stand = Design$

  # Transform the actual stress level to coded units.
  use <- c(38.281, 3.219)
  convert.stress.level(lowStLv = c(34.834, 4.094), highStLv = c(30.288, 4.5),
  actual = use)
## End(Not run)

[Package ALTopt version 0.1.2 Index]