LeukSurv {AHSurv}R Documentation

The Leukemia Survival Data


A dataset on the survival of acute myeloid leukemia in 1,043 pateietns, first analyzed by Henderson et al. (2002). It is of interest to investigate possible spatial variation in survival after accounting for known subject-specific prognostic factors, which include age, sex, white blood cell count (wbc) at diagnosis, and the Townsend score (tpi) for which higher values indicates less affluent areas. Both exact residential locations of all patients and their administrative districts (24 districts that make up the whole region) are available.


A data frame with 1043 rows and 9 variables:


Abdisalam Hassan Muse, Samuel Mwalili, Oscar Ngesa, Mutua Kilai, abdisalam.hassan@amoud.edu.so


Henderson, R., Shimakura, S., and Gorst, D. (2002), Modeling spatial variation in leukemia survival data, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 97(460), 965-972.

[Package AHSurv version 0.1.0 Index]