ttdPeregrine {AHMbook} | R Documentation |
Time-to-detection data for peregrines from the French Jura mountains
Between 7 and 9 March 2015, 38 breeding cliffs were visited up to 3 times to survey for Peregrine Falcons (Falco peregrinus). Observation duration varied from 3 to 95 minutes. The time to detection was recorded for each bird seen. If no birds were seen, the time was entered as NA.
A data frame with 70 rows and the following columns:
- Date
a factor with 3 levels giving the date
- DayNumber
the number of the day: 1, 2, or 3
- SiteNumber
identification number of the site
- Start.hour, Start.minute
the time of starting the search
- End.hour, End.minute
the time of ending the search
- MinOfDay
the time of the start of the search, minutes after 06:00
- Tmax
the duration of the search, in minutes
- ttd
the time to detection, minutes; NA if no birds were seen during the search
- sex
the sex of the birds seen; NA if no birds were seen
Based on the field work of one of the authors.
Kéry, M. & Royle, J.A. (2016) Applied Hierarchical Modeling in Ecology AHM1 - 10.12.
# Using the built-in data set instead of the TXT file for the example in Section
# 10.12 of the book is easy, as the format is the same as the file.
?ttdPeregrine # check the description of the data
# Instead of data <- read.table("ttdPeregrine.txt", header = TRUE, sep = "\t") do:
data <- ttdPeregrine
# Then continue with the rest of the analysis on p.618