Finnmark {AHMbook} | R Documentation |
Data from surveys of birds in Finnmark in NE Norway
A total of 37 plots were placed spanning the existing variation in extent and fragmentation of willow thickets. Each plot was visited 3-5 times in early July each year from 2005 to 2008. Birds observed within 100m during a 15 min period were recorded.
is a list with 4 elements:
- species
a data frame with a row for each species and the following columns:
species : the English name.
latin : the Latin name.
assemblage : the guild to which each species belongs.
- sites
a data frame with a row for each plot and the following columns:
region : a factor, 3 levels, Ilford, Komag, and Vestre Jakobselv.
catchment : a factor, 11 levels.
plot : a factor, the alphanumeric ID of each plot.
plotnr : the ID number of each plot.
area : the percentage of a 400 x 400m quadrat centered on the sampling point covered by tall willow thickets.
edge : the length (m) of the edge of the willow thickets in the quadrat.
height : the mean height of willows at 4 measuring points.
density : a measure of thicket density at 4 measuring points.
- counts
a sites x replicates x years x species array of counts
- timeOfDay
a sites x replicates x years array with the time of day that the survey was carried out.
Data generously provided by John-André Henden.
Henden, J.-A., Yoccoz, N.G., Ims, R.A., Langeland, K. (2013) How Spatial Variation in Areal Extent and Configuration of Labile Vegetation States Affect the Riparian Bird Community in Arctic Tundra. PLoS ONE 8(5): e63312.
Kéry, M. & Royle, J.A. (2021) Applied Hierarchical Modeling in Ecology AHM2 - 5.
# Create the objects needed for the analysis:
# Extract the numeric covariates and standardise
scov <- scale(Finnmark$sites[, 5:8])
# Convert the 'counts' array to detection/nondetection data:
y <- Finnmark$counts > 0
storage.mode(y) <- "integer"
# Get the guild information for each species
guild <- Finnmark$species$assemblage
# Standardise the timeOfDay and replace NAs with 0
tod <- with(Finnmark, (timeOfDay - mean(timeOfDay, na.rm=TRUE))/ sd(timeOfDay, na.rm=TRUE))
tod[] <- 0