Fast Clustering Using Adaptive Density Peak Detection

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Documentation for package ‘ADPclust’ version 0.7

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adpclust Fast Clustering Using Adaptive Density Peak Detection
AMISE AMISE bandwidth
clust10 1000 5-dimensional data points that form ten clusters
clust3 90 2-dimensional data points that form three clusters
clust5 500 5-dimensional data points that form five clusters
clust5.1 500 5-dimensional data points that form five clusters
dat_gene 243-dimensional gene expression data of 38 patients (243 genes)
defCol Default colors
FindCentersAutoD Automatically finds centers with diagonal f(x) vs delta(x) thresholds
FindCentersAutoV Automatically find centers with vertical threshold
FindClustersAuto Automatically find cluster assignment given f and delta.
FindClustersGivenCenters Find cluster assignments given centers and distance matrix
FindClustersManual User-interactive routine to find clusters
FindDistm Find the distance matrix from data.
FindFD Find f and delta from distance matrix.
FindH Find bandwidth h.
plot.adpclust Visualize the result of adpclust()
ROT Calculate ROT bandwidth
summary.adpclust Summary of adpclust