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Size: 2.4K
R: Analysis: Post-hoc Dunn
dunn {AgroR} R Documentation Analysis: Post-hoc Dunn Description Perform Kruskal wallis and dunn post-hoc test Usage dunn(trat, resp, method = "holm", alpha = 0.05, decreasing = TRUE) Arguments trat...
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Size: 2.3K
R: Kruskal Wallis Tests
...The factor with the groups posthoc Method used for multipe comparisons in the Dunn test alternative Kind of alternative hypothesis digits number of digitd for he output Details Kruskal Wallis Tests ...
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Size: 8.7K
R: Dunn's Kruskal-Wallis Multiple Comparisons.
...following a significant Kruskal-Wallis test, possibly with a correction to control the experimentwise error rate. This is largely a wrapper for the dunn.test function in dunn.test. Please see and cite...
 cran-help  matching: kruskal, kruskal and dunn

Size: 4.8K
R: Dunn's Test of Multiple Comparisons test following Kruskal-Wallis test. The default of the rstatix::dunn_test() function is to perform a two-sided Dunn test like the well known commercial softwares, such as SPSS and GraphPad.
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Size: 19.0K
R: Dunn's Test
dunn.test {dunn.test} R Documentation Dunn's Test Description Performs Dunn's test of multiple comparisons using rank sums Usage dunn.test (x, g=NA, method=p.adjustment.methods, kw=TRUE, label=TRUE...
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Size: 5.2K
R: Calculate Pairwise Multiple Comparisons of Mean Rank Sums
...NEWS. Help Pages dunn.test.control PMCMR-defunct durbin.test PMCMR-defunct durbin.test.default PMCMR-defunct durbin.test.formula PMCMR-defunct get.pvalues Get Pvalues from PMCMR Objects jonckheere...
 cran-help  matching: kruskal and dunn

Size: 6.0K
R: PMCMR-defunct
...listed here are no longer part of PMCMR. You will find functions and methods in the PMCMRplus package Usage dunn.test.control(x, g, p.adjust.method = p...
 cran-help  matching: kruskal and dunn

Size: 6.8K
R: Dunn's Test of Multiple Comparisons
...Performs Dunn's test of multiple comparisons using rank sums. Usage DunnTest(x, ...) ## Default S3 method: DunnTest(x, g, method = c("holm", "hochberg", "hommel", "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", "fdr"...
 cran-help  matching: kruskal and dunn

Size: 3.8K
R: Diversity test
...T, ANOVA, Wilcoxon or Kruskal-Wallis. If the posthoc argument is set as TRUE, multiple group comparisons are complemented with post hoc pairwise tests, either Tukey test (parametric) or Dunn test...
 cran-help  matching: kruskal and dunn

Size: 14.8K
PMCMR Quick Reference Guide
...layout Omnibus tests FN in PMCMRplus PMCMR v4.1 Meaning kruskalTest – Kruskal-Wallis test vanWaerdenTest vanWaerden.Test van der Waerden’s normal scores test adKSampleTest – Anderson-Darling k-...
 cran-vignettes  matching: kruskal and dunn

Size: 3.3K
R: Perform anova
...a dataframe of model residuals Usage omu_anova( count_data, metadata, response_variable = "Metabolite", model, log_transform = FALSE, method = "anova" ) Arguments count_data A metabolomics count...
 cran-help  matching: kruskal and dunn

Size: 5.0K
R: Deprecated functions in RVAideMemoire package
...future versions. Usage back.lsmeans(...) byf.normhist(...) cor.sparse(...) CvM.test(...) DA.confusion(...) DA.valid(...) DA.var(...) dunn.test(...) fc.multcomp(...) friedman.rating.test(...) kruskal...
 cran-help  matching: kruskal and dunn

Size: 2.1K
R: Multi-groups test
...kruskal.test (non-parametric). Perform one-way ANOVA test comparing multiple groups. LSD and TukeyHSD are post hoc test of anova. dunn and nemenyi are post hoc test of kruskal.test. t.test or wilcox...
 cran-help  matching: kruskal and dunn

Size: 19.4K
R: Conover-Iman Test
...Conover-Iman test of multiple comparisons using rank sums Usage conover.test (x, g=NA, method=p.adjustment.methods, kw=TRUE, label=TRUE, wrap=FALSE, table=TRUE, list=FALSE, rmc=FALSE, alpha=0.05, altp...
 cran-help  matching: kruskal and dunn

Size: 13.5K
R: Cluster validation statistics
...clusters, cluster separation, biggest within cluster gap, average silhouette widths, the Calinski and Harabasz index, a Pearson version of Hubert's gamma coefficient, the Dunn index and two indexes ...
 cran-help  matching: kruskal and dunn

Size: 5.9K
R: Dunn's All-Pairs Rank Comparison Test
kwAllPairsDunnTest {PMCMRplus} R Documentation Dunn's All-Pairs Rank Comparison Test Description Performs Dunn's non-parametric all-pairs comparison test for Kruskal-type ranked...
 cran-help  matching: kruskal and dunn

Size: 10.3K
R: Analysis: Completely randomized design
...DIC( trat, response, norm = "sw", homog = "bt", alpha.f = 0.05, alpha.t = 0.05, quali = TRUE, mcomp = "tukey", grau = 1, transf = 1, constant = 0, test = "parametric", mcompNP = "LSD", p.adj = "holm", ...
 cran-help  matching: kruskal and dunn

Size: 24.6K
R: Cluster validation statistics (version for use with...
...stats for use with clusterbenchstats, see Hennig (2017). Computes a number of distance-based statistics, which can be used for cluster validation, comparison between clusterings and decision about...
 cran-help  matching: kruskal and dunn

Size: 13.2K
R: Two- and K-Sample Location Tests
...groups against shift alternatives. Usage ## S3 method for class 'formula' oneway_test(formula, data, subset = NULL, weights = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'IndependenceProblem' oneway_test(object...
 cran-help  matching: kruskal and dunn

Size: 7.7K
R: Dunn's Many-to-One Rank Comparison Test
kwManyOneDunnTest {PMCMRplus} R Documentation Dunn's Many-to-One Rank Comparison Test Description Performs Dunn's non-parametric many-to-one comparison test for Kruskal-type ranked...
 cran-help  matching: kruskal and dunn

Size: 17.5K
R: Create 'trans_alpha' object for alpha diversity statistics...
...$new() trans_alpha$cal_diff() trans_alpha$plot_alpha() trans_alpha$print() trans_alpha$clone() Method new() Usage trans_alpha$new( dataset = NULL, group = NULL, by_group = NULL, by_ID = NULL, order_x...
 cran-help  matching: kruskal and dunn

Size: 19.1K
R: Evaluate a Stream Clustering Task
...class 'DSC' evaluate_static( object, dsd, measure, n = 100, type = c("auto", "micro", "macro"), assign = "micro", assignmentMethod = c("auto", "model", "nn"), excludeNoise = FALSE, callbacks = list(), ...
 cran-help  matching: kruskal and dunn

Size: 31.7K
R: Box/Violin plots for between-subjects comparisons
..."parametric", pairwise.display = "significant", p.adjust.method = "holm", effsize.type = "unbiased", bf.prior = 0.707, bf.message = TRUE, results.subtitle = TRUE, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, caption = ...
 cran-help  matching: kruskal and dunn

Size: 32.9K
R: Box/Violin plots for repeated measures comparisons
...A combination of box and violin plots along with raw (unjittered) data points for within-subjects designs with statistical details included in the plot as a subtitle. Usage ggwithinstats( data, x, y...
 cran-help  matching: kruskal and dunn

Size: 24.3K
R: Testing and Plotting Procedures for Biostatistics
Help Pages A B C D E F G I K L M O P Q R S T U W RVAideMemoire-package Testing and Plotting Procedures for Biostatistics -- A -- adonis.II Type II permutation MANOVA using distance matrices Anova.clm...
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Size: 342.7K
Clustering Indices Bernard Desgraupes University Paris Ouest Lab Modal’X November 2017 Contents 1 Internal clustering criteria 1.1 Algebraic background and notations . . 1.1.1 Total dispersion .
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Size: 521.7K
Introduction to the myTAI package
...Evolutionary Transcriptomics with R In the past years, a large body of scientific studies aimed at investigating the molecular basis of variation and conservation within biological processes. These ...
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Size: 1.3M
Introduction to stream: An Extensible Framework for Data Stream Clustering Research with R
...R Michael Hahsler Matthew Bolaños Southern Methodist University Microsoft Corporation John Forrest Microsoft Corporation Abstract In recent years, data streams have become an increasingly important...
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