C_fTheta {solaR}R Documentation

Angle of incidence of solar irradiation on a inclined surface


The orientation, azimuth and incidence angle are calculated from the results of fSolI or calcSoland from the information supplied by the arguments beta and alfa when the surface is fixed (modeTrk = 'fixed') or the movement equations when a tracking surface is chosen (modeTrk = 'horiz' or modeTrk = 'two'). Besides, the modified movement of a horizontal NS tracker due to the backtracking strategy is calculated if BT = TRUE with information about the tracker and the distance between the trackers included in the system.

This function is used by the calcGef function.


fTheta(sol, beta, alfa = 0, modeTrk = "fixed", betaLim = 90,
    BT = FALSE, struct, dist)



Sol object as provided by calcSol.


numeric, inclination angle of the surface (degrees). It is only needed when modeTrk = 'fixed'.


numeric, azimuth angle of the surface (degrees). It is measured from the south (alfa = 0), and it is negative to the east and positive to the west. It is only needed when modeTrk = 'fixed'. Its default value is alfa = 0 (surface facing to the south).


character, to be chosen from 'fixed', 'two' or 'horiz'. When modeTrk = 'fixed' the surface is fixed (inclination and azimuth angles are constant). The performance of a two-axis tracker is calculated with modeTrk = 'two', and modeTrk = 'horiz' is the option for an horizontal N-S tracker. Its default value is modeTrk = 'fixed'


numeric, maximum value of the inclination angle for a tracking surface. Its default value is 90 (no limitation))


logical, TRUE when the bactracking technique is to be used with a horizontal NS tracker, as described by Panico et al. (see References). The default value is FALSE. In future versions of this package this technique will be available for two-axis trackers.


Only needed when BT = TRUE. A list, with a component named L, which is the height (meters) of the tracker. In future versions the backtracking technique will be used in conjuction with two-axis trackers, and a additional component named W will be needed.


Only needed when BT = TRUE. A data.frame, with a component named Lew, being the distance between the horizontal NS trackers along the East-West direction. In future versions an additional component named Lns will be needed for two-axis trackers with backtracking.


A zoo object with these components:


numeric, inclination angle of the surface (radians). When modeTrk = 'fixed' it is the value of the argument beta converted from degrees to radians.


numeric, azimuth angle of the surface (radians). When modeTrk = 'fixed' it is the value of the argument alfa converted from degrees to radians.


numeric, cosine of the incidence angle of the solar irradiance on the surface


Oscar Perpiñán Lamigueiro.


See Also

fInclin, fSombra, calcGef.

[Package solaR version 0.46 Index]