cart2jpolar {visualFields}R Documentation

The Jansonius map for average path of nerve fiber bundles


Generates a function that renders the average path of a nerve fiber bundle that exits through the optic nerve head (ONH) with a particular angle




bundlePath(psi0, r0 = 4)

loc2psi(coord, r0 = 4)

psi2oct(psi0, diam = 12)

vf2gc(coord, angle = 0)



coordinates of locations in the visual field


visual field locations in polar coordinates of the distorted space of the Jansonius map


angle of incidence at the ONH


radius of the ONH. Its default value is 4. Changing it changes the calculated average bundle paths.


diamater in degrees of visual angle of the OCT circular scan centered at the center of the ONH


fovea-disc angle in degrees



cart2jpolar: returns the Jansonius modified polar coordinates

jpolar2cart: returns Cartesian coordinates

bundlePath: returns a function describing a retinal ganglion cell bundle path

loc2psi: returns the angle of incidence on the ONH

psi2oct: returns the corresponding angle in the OCT circular scan

vf2gc: returns the ganglion cell soma corresponding to the photoreceptors of a visual field location


N. M. Jansonius, J. Nevalainen, B. Selig, L. M. Zangwill, P. A. Sample, W. M. Budde, J. B. Jonas, W. A. Lagreze, P. J. Airaksinen, R. Vonthein, L. A. Levin, J. Paetzold, and U. Schiefer. A mathematical description of nerve fiber bundle trajectories and their variability in the human retina. Vision Research, 49(17):2157-2163, 2009

N. M. Jansonius, J. Nevalainen, B. Selig, L. M. Zangwill, P. A. Sample, W. M. Budde, J. B. Jonas, W. A. Lagreze, P. J. Airaksinen, R. Vonthein, L. A. Levin, J. Paetzold, and U. Schiefer. Erratum to "A mathematical description of nerve fiber bundle trajectories and their variability in the human retina". Vision Research, 50:1501, 2010

N. M. Jansonius, J. Schiefer, J. Nevalainen, J. Paetzold, and U. Schiefer. A mathematical model for describing the retinal nerve fiber bundle trajectories in the human eye: Average course, variability, and influence of refraction, optic disc size and optic disc position. Experimental Eye Research, 105:70-78, 2012

N. Drasdo, C. L. Millican, C. R. Katholi, and C. A. Curcio. The length of Henle fibers in the human retina and a model of ganglion receptive field density in the visual field. Vision Research, 47:2901–2911, 2007

D. C. Hood, A. S. Raza, D. M. C. G. V., J. G. Odel, V. C. Greenstein, J. M. Liebmann, and R. Ritch. Initial arcuate defects within the central 10 degrees in glaucoma. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 52(2):940-946, 2011

A. S. Raza, J. Cho, D. M. C. G. V., H. Wang, X. Zhang, R. H. Kardon, J. M. Liebmann, R. Ritch, and D. C. Hood. Retinal ganglion cell layer thickness and local visual field sensitivity in glaucoma. Archives of Ophthalmology, 129(12):1529-1536, 2011

G. Montesano, G. Ometto, R. E. Hogg, L. M. Rossetti, D. F. Garway-Heath, and D. P. Crabb. Revisiting the Drasdo Model: Implications for Structure-Function Analysis of the Macular Region. Translational Vision Science and Technology, 9(10):15, 2020


# get ganglion-cell soma locations from visual field locations
# convert to polar of the distorted space used by Jansonius map and back
coord <- data.frame(x = c(3, 0, -3), y = c(0, 0, 0))
(rpsi <- cart2jpolar(coord))

# get an average bundle path from a specific angle of incidence in the ONH
# The object returned is a function that returns polar angles of the
# distorted space of the Jansonius map for distances from the ONH center
pathFun <- bundlePath(-125)
jpolar2cart(data.frame(10:20, pathFun(10:20)))

# get angle of incidence in the ONH from locations of the visual field

# get the OCT circular scan angles from the angle of incidence in the ONH
# for the 10-2 map of locations, ...
# the previous operation was actually fundamentally wrong! We need to
# obtain first the 

[Package visualFields version 1.0.1 Index]