add_colnames {ss3sim}R Documentation

Create matching column names across a list of data frames


Add missing columns to each data frame in the list allowing for the use rbind to create a single data frame. The code is based on rbind.fill, but we didn't want to depend on that package for just one function given it had not been updated since 2016.


add_colnames(dfs, bind = FALSE, fillwith = NA)



A list of data frames, where the length can be one.


A logical value specifying if the data frame(s) should be returned as a single data frame. The default is FALSE, which returns a list of data frames same as what was provided in dfs.


A single value that will be used to populate all of the missing columns.


Depending on the input to bind you can either return the same structure, i.e., a list of data frames, or a data frame with all rows from each original data frame. Missing values will be filled with the entry in fillwith.


Kelli Faye Johnson


x <- data.frame("a" = 1:10, "b" = 21:30)
y <- data.frame("a" = 11:15, "y" = letters[1:5])
alist <- ss3sim:::add_colnames(list(x, y), bind = FALSE)
adataframe <- ss3sim:::add_colnames(list(x, y), bind = TRUE)
# clean up
rm(x, y, alist, adataframe)

[Package ss3sim version 1.0.3 Index]