createPowerset {socialranking}R Documentation

Create powerset


Given a vector of elements generate a power set.


  includeEmptySet = TRUE,
  result = c("return", "print", "copy", "printCompact", "copyCompact")



vector of elements


If TRUE, an empty vector is added at the end


What to do with the result. Can be either:


List of power set vectors. If the parameter result is set to "print" or "copy", nothing is returned. Instead, a character string is generated that can be used in R to call and create a new PowerRelation object. This string is either printed or copied to clipboard (see argument result).


# normal return type is a list of vectors
createPowerset(c("Alice", "Bob"), includeEmptySet = FALSE)
## [[1]]
## [1] "Alice" "Bob"
## [[2]]
## [1] "Alice"
## [[3]]
## [1] "Bob"

# instead of creating a list, print the power set such that it can be copy-pasted
# and used to create a new PowerRelation object
createPowerset(letters[1:4], result = "print")
# prints
# as.PowerRelation("
#   abcd
#   > abc
#   > abd
#   > acd
#   > bcd
#   > ab
#   ...
#   > {}
# ")

createPowerset(letters[1:3], includeEmptySet = FALSE, result = "printCompact")
# as.PowerRelation("abc > ab > ac > bc > a > b > c")

# create the same string as before, but now copy it to the clipboard instead
if(interactive()) {
  createPowerset(1:3, result = "copyCompact")

# Note that as.PowerRelation(character) only assumes single-char elements.
# As such, the generated function call string with multi-character names
# looks a little different.
createPowerset(c("Alice", "Bob"), result = "print")
# PowerRelation(rlang::list2(
#   list(c("Alice", "Bob")),
#   list(c("Alice")),
#   list(c("Bob")),
#   list(c()),
# ))

[Package socialranking version 1.2.0 Index]