'SAS' Linear Model

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sasLM-package 'SAS' Linear Model
af Convert some columns of a data.frame to factors
aov1 ANOVA with Type I SS
aov2 ANOVA with Type II SS
aov3 ANOVA with Type III SS
aspirinCHD An example data for meta-analysis - aspirin in coronary heart disease
BEdata An Example Data of Bioequivalence Study
bk Beautify the output of knitr::kable
BY Analysis BY variable
CIest Confidence Interval Estimation
Coll Collinearity Diagnostics
CONTR F Test with a Set of Contrasts
Cor.test Correlation test of multiple numeric columns
corFisher Correlation test by Fisher's Z transformation
cSS Sum of Square with a Given Contrast Set
CumAlpha Cumulative Alpha for the Fixed Z-value
CV Coefficient of Variation in percentage
Diffogram Plot Pairwise Differences
Drift Drift defined by Lan and DeMets for Group Sequential Design
e1 Get a Contrast Matrix for Type I SS
e2 Get a Contrast Matrix for Type II SS
e3 Get a Contrast Matrix for Type III SS
EMS Expected Mean Square Formula
est Estimate Linear Functions
ESTM Estimate Linear Function
estmb Estimability Check
ESTMIMATE Estimate Linear Function
ExitP Exit Probability with cumulative Z-test in Group Sequential Design
g2inv Generalized type 2 inverse matrix, g2 inverse
G2SWEEP Generalized inverse matrix of type 2 for linear regression
geoCV Geometric Coefficient of Variation in percentage
geoMean Geometric Mean without NA
GLM General Linear Model similar to SAS PROC GLM
is.cor Is it a correlation matrix?
Kurtosis Kurtosis
KurtosisSE Standard Error of Kurtosis
LCL Lower Confidence Limit
lfit Linear Fit
lr Linear Regression with g2 inverse
lr0 Simple Linear Regressions with Each Independent Variable
LSM Least Square Means
Max Max without NA
Mean Mean without NA
Median Median without NA
Min Min without NA
ModelMatrix Model Matrix
mtest Independent two groups t-test similar to PROC TTEST with summarized input
N Number of observations
OR Odds Ratio of two groups
ORcmh Odds Ratio of two groups with strata by CMH method
ORinv Odds Ratio of two groups with strata by inverse variance method
ORmn Odds Ratio and Score CI of two groups with strata by MN method
ORmn1 Odds Ratio and Score CI of two groups without strata by the MN method
pB Plot Confidence and Prediction Bands for Simple Linear Regression
Pcor.test Partial Correlation test of multiple columns
pD Diagnostic Plot for Regression
PDIFF Pairwise Difference
PocockBound Pocock (fixed) Bound for the cumulative Z-test with a final target alpha-value
pResD Residual Diagnostic Plot for Regression
QuartileRange Inter-Quartile Range
Range Range
RanTest Test with Random Effects
RD Risk Difference between two groups
RDinv Risk Difference between two groups with strata by inverse variance method
RDmn Risk Difference and Score CI between two groups with strata by the MN method
RDmn1 Risk Difference and Score CI between two groups without strata by the MN method
REG Regression of Linear Least Square, similar to SAS PROC REG
regD Regression of Conventional Way with Rich Diagnostics
RR Relative Risk of the two groups
RRinv Relative Risk of two groups with strata by inverse variance method
RRmn Relative Risk and Score CI of two groups with strata by the MN method
RRmn1 Relative Risk and Score CI of two groups without strata by by MN method
sasLM 'SAS' Linear Model
satt Satterthwaite Approximation of Variance and Degree of Freedom
ScoreCI Score Confidence Interval for a Proportion or a Binomial Distribution
SD Standard Deviation
SEM Standard Error of the Sample Mean
seqBound Sequential bounds for cumulative Z-test in Group Sequential Design
seqCI Confidence interval with the last Z-value for the group sequential design
Skewness Skewness
SkewnessSE Standard Error of Skewness
SLICE F Test with Slice
SS Sum of Square
T3MS Type III Expected Mean Square Formula
T3test Test Type III SS using error term other than MSE
tmtest Independent two means test similar to t.test with summarized input
trimmedMean Trimmed Mean
tsum Table Summary
tsum0 Table Summary 0 independent(x) variable
tsum1 Table Summary 1 independent(x) variable
tsum2 Table Summary 2 independent(x) variables
tsum3 Table Summary 3 independent(x) variables
TTEST Independent two groups t-test comparable to PROC TTEST
UCL Upper Confidence Limit
UNIV Univariate Descriptive Statistics
vtest F-Test for the ratio of two groups' variances
WhiteTest White's Model Specification Test
ztest Test for the difference of two groups' means