anova_summary {rstatix}R Documentation

Create Nice Summary Tables of ANOVA Results


Create beautiful summary tables of ANOVA test results obtained from either Anova() or aov().

The results include ANOVA table, generalized effect size and some assumption checks.


anova_summary(object, effect.size = "ges", detailed = FALSE, observed = NULL)



an object of returned by either Anova(), or aov().


the effect size to compute and to show in the ANOVA results. Allowed values can be either "ges" (generalized eta squared) or "pes" (partial eta squared) or both. Default is "ges".


If TRUE, returns extra information (sums of squares columns, intercept row, etc.) in the ANOVA table.


Variables that are observed (i.e, measured) as compared to experimentally manipulated. The default effect size reported (generalized eta-squared) requires correct specification of the observed variables.


return an object of class anova_test a data frame containing the ANOVA table for independent measures ANOVA. However, for repeated/mixed measures ANOVA, it is a list containing the following components are returned:

The returned object might have an attribute called args if you compute ANOVA using the function anova_test(). The attribute args is a list holding the arguments used to fit the ANOVA model, including: data, dv, within, between, type, model, etc.

The following abbreviations are used in the different results tables:


Alboukadel Kassambara,

See Also

anova_test(), factorial_design()


# Load data
df <- ToothGrowth
df$dose <- as.factor(df$dose)

# Independent measures ANOVA
# Compute ANOVA and display the summary
res.anova <- Anova(lm(len ~ dose*supp, data = df))

# Display both SSn and SSd using detailed = TRUE
# Show generalized eta squared using effect.size = "ges"
anova_summary(res.anova, detailed = TRUE, effect.size = "ges")

# Show partial eta squared using effect.size = "pes"
anova_summary(res.anova, detailed = TRUE, effect.size = "pes")

# Repeated measures designs using car::Anova()
# Prepare the data
df$id <- as.factor(rep(1:10, 6)) # Add individuals ids

# Easily perform repeated measures ANOVA using the car package
design <- factorial_design(df, dv = len, wid = id, within = c(supp, dose))
res.anova <- Anova(design$model, idata = design$idata, idesign = design$idesign, type = 3)

# Repeated measures designs using stats::Aov()
res.anova <- aov(len ~ dose*supp + Error(id/(supp*dose)), data = df)

[Package rstatix version 0.7.2 Index]