Robust Methods for High-Dimensional Data

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Documentation for package ‘robustHD’ version 0.8.0

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robustHD-package Robust Methods for High-Dimensional Data

-- A --

AIC.seqModel Information criteria for a sequence of regression models
AIC.sparseLTS Information criteria for a sequence of regression models

-- B --

BIC.seqModel Information criteria for a sequence of regression models
BIC.sparseLTS Information criteria for a sequence of regression models

-- C --

cellLineInfo NCI-60 cancer cell panel
coef.grplars Extract coefficients from a sequence of regression models
coef.perrySeqModel Extract coefficients from a sequence of regression models
coef.rlars Extract coefficients from a sequence of regression models
coef.seqModel Extract coefficients from a sequence of regression models
coef.sparseLTS Extract coefficients from a sequence of regression models
coef.tslars Extract coefficients from a sequence of regression models
coef.tslarsP Extract coefficients from a sequence of regression models
coefPlot Coefficient plot of a sequence of regression models
coefPlot.grplars Coefficient plot of a sequence of regression models
coefPlot.rlars Coefficient plot of a sequence of regression models
coefPlot.seqModel Coefficient plot of a sequence of regression models
coefPlot.setupCoefPlot Coefficient plot of a sequence of regression models
coefPlot.sparseLTS Coefficient plot of a sequence of regression models
coefPlot.tslars Coefficient plot of a sequence of regression models
coefPlot.tslarsP Coefficient plot of a sequence of regression models
corHuber Robust correlation based on winsorization
critPlot Optimality criterion plot of a sequence of regression models
critPlot.grplars Optimality criterion plot of a sequence of regression models
critPlot.perrySeqModel Optimality criterion plot of a sequence of regression models
critPlot.perrySparseLTS Optimality criterion plot of a sequence of regression models
critPlot.rlars Optimality criterion plot of a sequence of regression models
critPlot.seqModel Optimality criterion plot of a sequence of regression models
critPlot.setupCritPlot Optimality criterion plot of a sequence of regression models
critPlot.sparseLTS Optimality criterion plot of a sequence of regression models
critPlot.tslars Optimality criterion plot of a sequence of regression models
critPlot.tslarsP Optimality criterion plot of a sequence of regression models

-- D --

diagnosticPlot Diagnostic plots for a sequence of regression models
diagnosticPlot.grplars Diagnostic plots for a sequence of regression models
diagnosticPlot.perrySeqModel Diagnostic plots for a sequence of regression models
diagnosticPlot.perrySparseLTS Diagnostic plots for a sequence of regression models
diagnosticPlot.rlars Diagnostic plots for a sequence of regression models
diagnosticPlot.seqModel Diagnostic plots for a sequence of regression models
diagnosticPlot.setupDiagnosticPlot Diagnostic plots for a sequence of regression models
diagnosticPlot.sparseLTS Diagnostic plots for a sequence of regression models
diagnosticPlot.tslars Diagnostic plots for a sequence of regression models
diagnosticPlot.tslarsP Diagnostic plots for a sequence of regression models

-- F --

fitted.grplars Extract fitted values from a sequence of regression models
fitted.perrySeqModel Extract fitted values from a sequence of regression models
fitted.rlars Extract fitted values from a sequence of regression models
fitted.seqModel Extract fitted values from a sequence of regression models
fitted.sparseLTS Extract fitted values from a sequence of regression models
fitted.tslars Extract fitted values from a sequence of regression models
fitted.tslarsP Extract fitted values from a sequence of regression models

-- G --

gene NCI-60 cancer cell panel
geneInfo NCI-60 cancer cell panel
getScale Extract the residual scale of a robust regression model
getScale.seqModel Extract the residual scale of a robust regression model
getScale.sparseLTS Extract the residual scale of a robust regression model
grplars (Robust) groupwise least angle regression (Robust) groupwise least angle regression
grplars.default (Robust) groupwise least angle regression
grplars.formula (Robust) groupwise least angle regression

-- L --

lambda0 Penalty parameter for sparse LTS regression

-- N --

nci60 NCI-60 cancer cell panel

-- P --

partialOrder Find partial order of smallest or largest values
perry.rlars Resampling-based prediction error for a sequential regression model
perry.seqModel Resampling-based prediction error for a sequential regression model
perry.sparseLTS Resampling-based prediction error for a sequential regression model
plot.grplars Plot a sequence of regression models
plot.perrySeqModel Plot a sequence of regression models
plot.perrySparseLTS Plot a sequence of regression models
plot.rlars Plot a sequence of regression models
plot.seqModel Plot a sequence of regression models
plot.sparseLTS Plot a sequence of regression models
plot.tslars Plot a sequence of regression models
plot.tslarsP Plot a sequence of regression models
predict.grplars Predict from a sequence of regression models
predict.rlars Predict from a sequence of regression models
predict.seqModel Predict from a sequence of regression models
predict.sparseLTS Predict from a sequence of regression models
predict.tslars Predict from a sequence of regression models
predict.tslarsP Predict from a sequence of regression models
print.grplars (Robust) groupwise least angle regression
print.rlars Robust least angle regression
print.sparseLTS Sparse least trimmed squares regression
print.tslars (Robust) least angle regression for time series data
print.tslarsP (Robust) least angle regression for time series data with fixed lag length
protein NCI-60 cancer cell panel
proteinInfo NCI-60 cancer cell panel

-- R --

residuals.grplars Extract residuals from a sequence of regression models
residuals.perrySeqModel Extract residuals from a sequence of regression models
residuals.rlars Extract residuals from a sequence of regression models
residuals.seqModel Extract residuals from a sequence of regression models
residuals.sparseLTS Extract residuals from a sequence of regression models
residuals.tslars Extract residuals from a sequence of regression models
residuals.tslarsP Extract residuals from a sequence of regression models
rgrplars (Robust) groupwise least angle regression (Robust) groupwise least angle regression
rgrplars.default (Robust) groupwise least angle regression
rgrplars.formula (Robust) groupwise least angle regression
rlars Robust least angle regression
rlars.default Robust least angle regression
rlars.formula Robust least angle regression
robStandardize Data standardization
rstandard.grplars Extract standardized residuals from a sequence of regression models
rstandard.perrySeqModel Extract standardized residuals from a sequence of regression models
rstandard.rlars Extract standardized residuals from a sequence of regression models
rstandard.seqModel Extract standardized residuals from a sequence of regression models
rstandard.sparseLTS Extract standardized residuals from a sequence of regression models
rstandard.tslars Extract standardized residuals from a sequence of regression models
rstandard.tslarsP Extract standardized residuals from a sequence of regression models
rtslars (Robust) least angle regression for time series data
rtslars.default (Robust) least angle regression for time series data
rtslars.formula (Robust) least angle regression for time series data
rtslarsP (Robust) least angle regression for time series data with fixed lag length
rtslarsP.default (Robust) least angle regression for time series data with fixed lag length
rtslarsP.formula (Robust) least angle regression for time series data with fixed lag length

-- S --

setupCoefPlot Set up a coefficient plot of a sequence of regression models
setupCoefPlot.grplars Set up a coefficient plot of a sequence of regression models
setupCoefPlot.rlars Set up a coefficient plot of a sequence of regression models
setupCoefPlot.seqModel Set up a coefficient plot of a sequence of regression models
setupCoefPlot.sparseLTS Set up a coefficient plot of a sequence of regression models
setupCoefPlot.tslars Set up a coefficient plot of a sequence of regression models
setupCoefPlot.tslarsP Set up a coefficient plot of a sequence of regression models
setupCritPlot Set up an optimality criterion plot of a sequence of regression models
setupCritPlot.grplars Set up an optimality criterion plot of a sequence of regression models
setupCritPlot.perrySeqModel Set up an optimality criterion plot of a sequence of regression models
setupCritPlot.perrySparseLTS Set up an optimality criterion plot of a sequence of regression models
setupCritPlot.rlars Set up an optimality criterion plot of a sequence of regression models
setupCritPlot.seqModel Set up an optimality criterion plot of a sequence of regression models
setupCritPlot.sparseLTS Set up an optimality criterion plot of a sequence of regression models
setupCritPlot.tslars Set up an optimality criterion plot of a sequence of regression models
setupCritPlot.tslarsP Set up an optimality criterion plot of a sequence of regression models
setupDiagnosticPlot Set up a diagnostic plot for a sequence of regression models
setupDiagnosticPlot.grplars Set up a diagnostic plot for a sequence of regression models
setupDiagnosticPlot.perrySeqModel Set up a diagnostic plot for a sequence of regression models
setupDiagnosticPlot.perrySparseLTS Set up a diagnostic plot for a sequence of regression models
setupDiagnosticPlot.rlars Set up a diagnostic plot for a sequence of regression models
setupDiagnosticPlot.seqModel Set up a diagnostic plot for a sequence of regression models
setupDiagnosticPlot.sparseLTS Set up a diagnostic plot for a sequence of regression models
setupDiagnosticPlot.tslars Set up a diagnostic plot for a sequence of regression models
setupDiagnosticPlot.tslarsP Set up a diagnostic plot for a sequence of regression models
sparseLTS Sparse least trimmed squares regression
sparseLTS.default Sparse least trimmed squares regression
sparseLTS.formula Sparse least trimmed squares regression
standardize Data standardization

-- T --

TopGear Top Gear car data
tsBlocks Construct predictor blocks for time series models
tslars (Robust) least angle regression for time series data
tslars.default (Robust) least angle regression for time series data
tslars.formula (Robust) least angle regression for time series data
tslarsP (Robust) least angle regression for time series data with fixed lag length
tslarsP.default (Robust) least angle regression for time series data with fixed lag length
tslarsP.formula (Robust) least angle regression for time series data with fixed lag length

-- W --

weights.sparseLTS Extract outlier weights from sparse LTS regression models
winsorize Data cleaning by winsorization Data cleaning by winsorization
winsorize.default Data cleaning by winsorization
winsorize.matrix Data cleaning by winsorization