R Interface to Google Slides

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Documentation for package ‘rgoogleslides’ version 0.3.2

Help Pages

add_create_image_request Add a create image request
add_create_shape_request Add a create shape request
add_create_slide_page_request Add a create slide request
add_create_table_request Add a create table request
add_create_video_request Add a create video request
add_delete_object_request Add a delete object request
add_delete_table_column_request Add a delete table column request
add_delete_table_row_request Add a delete table row request
add_delete_text_request Add a delete text request
add_insert_table_columns_request Add an insert table column request
add_insert_table_rows_request Add an insert table row request
add_insert_text_request Add an insert text request
add_replace_all_shapes_with_image_request Add a replace all shapes with image request
add_replace_all_text_request Add a replace all text request
add_update_slides_position_request Add an update slides position request
aligned_page_element_property Convenience function to return a page element property that aligns said element
authorize Authorize R package to access Google Slides API
check_validity Convenience function to return a value if the value is NA
commit_to_slides Commit changes to slides
create_data_table Create and upload data into a table in slides
create_slides Create a new googleslide
dataframe_convert Convert dataframe to dataframe with rows and columns
get_endpoint Generate endpoint for the Google Slides API
get_google_drive_urls Get the list of google drive url
get_slides_properties Get Google Slides Properties
get_slide_page_properties Get a single page of a Google Slides property
is.google_slide_request Check if the object is a google slide request object
is.page_element_property Check if the object is a google slide request object
page_element_property Common Property: Page Element Property
rgoogleslides rgoogleslides: From R to Slides