read.akterm {readmet}R Documentation

function to read contents of a file in AKTERM-format


reads weather data time series from a AKTERM format file that is used for example by the German national dispersion model AUSTAL





name (and path if necessary) of the file to read


returns a data.frame with the following columns:

  1. "Time" is the time of obeservation as POSIXct.

  2. "STA" is the WMO number of the observing statin

  3. "QDD" is the quality byte for DD

  4. "QFF" is the quality byte for FF

  5. "DD" is the wind direction clockwise in degrees from north

  6. "FF" is the wind speed in m/s

  7. "QQ1" is the quality byte for KM

  8. "KM" is the Klug/Manier stability class

  9. "QQ2" is the quality byte for HM

  10. "HM" is unsused

  11. "QQ3" is the overall quality byte.

Note that DD and FF are always in degrees and m/s, indepenent from the value of the quality byte. Values where the quality byte is 9 are always NA. I.e. the quality byte is given for informational purposes only.


Prior to version 1.2.4, this function did not arrays with more than two dimensions, or multiple variables in files of more than one dimension. Prior to version 1.5.0 timeseries were not implemented.


Clemens Druee


AUSTAL 3.1 model reference (by Ingenieurbuero Janicke)


series <- read.akterm(system.file("extdata", "example-series.akterm", package="readmet"))
plot(series$Time, series$FF, type="l")

[Package readmet version 1.7.1 Index]