read.biom {rbiom}R Documentation

Extracts counts, metadata, taxonomy, and phylogeny from a biom file.


Extracts counts, metadata, taxonomy, and phylogeny from a biom file.


read.biom(src, tree = "auto", prune = FALSE)



Input data as either a file path, URL, or JSON string. read.biom can read BIOM files formatted according to both the version 1.0 (JSON) and 2.1 (HDF5) specifications as well as classical tabular format. URLs must begin with http://, https://, ftp://, or ftps://. JSON files must have { as their first non-whitespace character. Compressed (gzip or bzip2) BIOM files are also supported. NOTE: to read HDF5 formatted BIOM files, the BioConductor R package rhdf5 must be installed.


The default value of auto will read the tree from the BIOM file specified in src, if present. The value TRUE will do the same, but will generate an error message if a tree is not present. Setting tree=FALSE will return a BIOM object without any tree data. You may also provide a file path, URL, or Newick string to load that tree data into the final BIOM object.


Should samples and taxa with zero observations be discarded?


A BIOM class object containing the parsed data. This object can be treated as a list with the following named elements:


A numeric slam sparse matrix of observation counts. Taxa (OTUs) as rows and samples as columns.


A data frame containing any embedded metadata. Row names are sample IDs.


Character matrix of taxonomic names, if given. Row names are taxa (OTU) IDs. Column rows are named Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species, and Strain, or TaxLvl.1, TaxLvl.2, ... , TaxLvl.N when more than 8 levels of taxonomy are encoded in the biom file.


An object of class phylo defining the phylogenetic relationships between the taxa. Although the official specification for BIOM only includes phylogenetic trees in BIOM version 2.1, if a BIOM version 1.0 file includes a phylogeny entry with newick data, then it will be loaded here as well. The ape package has additional functions for working with phylo objects.


A named character vector, where the names are taxonomic identifiers and the values are the sequences they represent. These values are not part of the official BIOM specification, but will be read and written when defined.


A list of other attributes defined in the BIOM file, such as id, type, format, format_url, generated_by, date, matrix_type, matrix_element_type, Comment, and shape

metadata, taxonomy, and phylogeny are optional components of the BIOM file specification and therefore will be empty in the returned object when they are not provided by the BIOM file.



    infile <- system.file("extdata", "hmp50.bz2", package = "rbiom")
    biom <- read.biom(infile)


    # Taxa Abundances

    top5 <- names(head(rev(sort(slam::row_sums(biom$counts))), 5))
    biom$taxonomy[top5,c('Family', 'Genus')]
    as.matrix(biom$counts[top5, 1:6])

    # Metadata
    table(biom$metadata$Sex, biom$metadata$`Body Site`)
    sprintf("Mean age: %.1f", mean(biom$metadata$Age))

    # Phylogenetic tree
    tree <- biom$phylogeny
    top5.tree <- rbiom::subtree(tree, top5)

[Package rbiom version 1.0.3 Index]