summarise_popDemographics {rSHAPE}R Documentation

This function will use output from summarise_experimentFiles and summarise_experimentParameters to help with expectations concerning run output and handling. This will save an RData file which will contain one object: all_popSets, which is a list of relevant control information about I/O and then a series of other RData files which contain the demographics information as a matrix with the mean and standard deviation of demographics for all replicates.


This function will use output from summarise_experimentFiles and summarise_experimentParameters to help with expectations concerning run output and handling. This will save an RData file which will contain one object: all_popSets, which is a list of relevant control information about I/O and then a series of other RData files which contain the demographics information as a matrix with the mean and standard deviation of demographics for all replicates.


  func_saveFile = getOption("shape_procExp_filenames")["popDemographics"],
  func_experimentDir = getOption("shape_workDir"),
  func_saveDir = getOption("shape_postDir"),
  func_refFile = getOption("shape_procExp_filenames")[c("fileList",
  "parameters")], func_workEnvir = new.env(),
  func_objPrefix = "popDemo_")



This is a string expression that can be used to find elements of the experiment being analysed. It should be some robust unique string or regular expression.


This is the filepath and filename (ending in .RData please) to which the results of this step will be saved.


This is the filepath to the root directoy under which all your experimental files can be found.


This is the directory to which output will be saved.


This is the filepath to the reference file that contains information regarding all the processed files for the rSHAPE experiment.


This is an environment used to load files with the load function. It's used to encapsulate the loaded information to a controlled space.


This is a character string for programatic naming of objects of this type.


There is no example as this cannot work without a complete rSHAPE experiment to be analysed.

[Package rSHAPE version 0.3.2 Index]