wpb_table {prisonbrief}R Documentation

Download and parse World Prison Brief data


Download and parse World Prison Brief data


  region = c("Africa", "Asia", "Caribbean", "Central America", "Europe", "Middle East",
    "North America", "Oceania", "South America", "All"),
  country = NULL



character. Return details for all the countries in the particular region. For a list of the countries in each region, use wbp_region_list().


character. If details of a specific country are required, the country can be specified by name. A non-NULL value for this parameter will void the region argument. For a list of country names, use wpb_list().


Data Frame with 10 variables:


We recommend calling this function using the region argument, as the data come back in a format more useful for analysis. Querying a specific country will return a dataframe in which certain columns contain items such as parentheses and auxiliary text, rendering follow-on analysis more cumbersome. As regards the spatial information, the geometry column will be an empty list where it has not matched every entry in country. This is due to the way territories are coded according to ISO A2 codes. For example, country will contain "Jersey (United Kingdom)", whereas geometry contains information for only the United Kingdom as a whole. We hope to improve this in future releases of prisonBrief.


## Not run: 
# Get details for Spain:
espana <- wpb_table(country = "Spain")

# Get details for Central America:
CA <- wpb_table(region = "Central America")

## End(Not run)

[Package prisonbrief version 0.1.2 Index]