pdqr_approx_error {pdqr}R Documentation

Diagnose pdqr approximation


pdqr_approx_error() computes errors that are results of 'pdqr' approximation, which occurs because of possible tail trimming and assuming piecewise linearity of density function in case of "continuous" type. For an easy view summary, use summary().


pdqr_approx_error(f, ref_f, ..., gran = 10, remove_infinity = TRUE)



A p-, d-, or q-function to diagnose. Usually the output of one of as_p(), as_d(), or as_q() default methods.


A "true" distribution function of the same class as f. Usually the input to the aforementioned ⁠as_*()⁠ function.


Other arguments to ref_f. If they were supplied to ⁠as_*()⁠ function, then the exact same values must be supplied here.


Degree of grid "granularity" in case of "continuous" type: number of subintervals to be produced inside every interval of density linearity. Should be not less than 1 (indicator that original column from "x_tbl" will be used, see details).


Whether to remove rows corresponding to infinite error.


Errors are computed as difference between "true" value (output of ref_f) and output of pdqr-function f. They are computed at "granulated" gran times grid (which is an "x" column of "x_tbl" in case f is p- or d-function and "cumprob" column if q-function). They are usually negative because of possible tail trimming of reference distribution.



A data frame with the following columns:

See Also

enpoint() for representing pdqr-function as a set of points with desirable number of rows.


d_norm <- as_d(dnorm)
error_norm <- pdqr_approx_error(d_norm, dnorm)

# Setting `gran` results into different number of rows in output
error_norm_2 <- pdqr_approx_error(d_norm, dnorm, gran = 1)
nrow(meta_x_tbl(d_norm)) == nrow(error_norm_2)

# By default infinity errors are removed
d_beta <- as_d(dbeta, shape1 = 0.3, shape2 = 0.7)
error_beta_1 <- pdqr_approx_error(d_beta, dbeta, shape1 = 0.3, shape2 = 0.7)

# To not remove them, set `remove_infinity` to `FALSE`
error_beta_2 <- pdqr_approx_error(
  d_beta, dbeta, shape1 = 0.3, shape2 = 0.7, remove_infinity = FALSE

[Package pdqr version 0.3.1 Index]