enpoint {pdqr}R Documentation

Represent pdqr-function as a set of points


Function enpoint() suggests a reasonable default ways of converting pdqr-function into a data frame of numerical values (points) with desirable number of rows. Representation of pdqr-function as a set of numbers helps to conduct analysis using approaches outside of 'pdqr' package. For example, one can visually display pdqr-function with some other plotting functionality.


enpoint(f, n_points = 1001)



A pdqr-function.


Desired number of points in the output. Not used in case of "discrete" type p-, d-, and q-function f.


Structure of output depends on class and type of input pdqr-function f:

Note that the other way to produce points for p-, d-, and q-functions is to manually construct them with form_regrid() and meta_x_tbl(). However, this method may slightly change function values due to possible renormalization inside form_regrid().


A data frame with n_points (or less, for "discrete" type p-, d-, or q-function f) rows and two columns with names depending on f's class and type.

See Also

pdqr_approx_error() for diagnostics of pdqr-function approximation accuracy.

Pdqr methods for plot() for a direct plotting of pdqr-functions.

form_regrid() to change underlying grid of pdqr-function.


d_norm <- as_d(dnorm)

# Control number of points with `n_points` argument
enpoint(d_norm, n_points = 5)

# Different pdqr classes and types produce different column names in output
colnames(enpoint(new_p(1:2, "discrete")))
colnames(enpoint(new_d(1:2, "discrete")))
colnames(enpoint(new_d(1:2, "continuous")))
colnames(enpoint(new_q(1:2, "continuous")))
colnames(enpoint(new_r(1:2, "continuous")))

# Manual way with different output structure
df <- meta_x_tbl(form_regrid(d_norm, 5))
## Difference in values due to `form_regrid()` renormalization
plot(enpoint(d_norm, 5), type = "l")
lines(df[["x"]], df[["y"]], col = "blue")

[Package pdqr version 0.3.1 Index]