plot.parsec {parsec}R Documentation

Plot the outputs of the PARSEC function evaluation.


Several representations of the results provided by the evaluation function.


## S3 method for class 'parsec'
    which = c("Hasse", "threshold", "identification", "rank", "gap"),
    ask = dev.interactive(),
    shape = c("square", "circle", "equispaced"),
    noise = FALSE,



an object of S3 class parsec, output of the evaluation function.


the names of the graphs to be plotted (all, by default); the user can choose among

  • Hasse, the Hasse diagram of the poset, see plot.cover for details,

  • threshold, the relative frequencies of the times a profile is used as threshold in the sampled linear extensions.

  • rank, barplot providing the rank distribution of each profile (X-axis). The heights of the blocks represent relative frequencies (the sum of the heights over profiles is equal to 1) and the color represents the rank: white for rank one, black for the highest rank and a gray scale for intermediate ranks.

  • gap, a unified representation of the relative (e.g. poverty) gap and of the relative (e.g. wealth) gap. The horizontal lines represent the average (e.g. poverty) gap and the average (e.g. wealth gap). The darker vertical dashed lines represent the threshold profiles.


boolean value indicating whether the system has to ask users before changing the plot.


the shape of the Hasse diagram, see plot.cover for details.


jittering in the shape of the Hasse diagram. See vertices.


further arguments for the plot.cover function.

See Also

evaluation, plot.cover


profiles <- var2prof(varlen = c(3, 2, 4))
threshold <- c("311", "112")

res <- evaluation(profiles, threshold, nit = 10^3)


[Package parsec version 1.2.7 Index]