dis_mahalanobis_dtw {mlmts}R Documentation

Constructs a pairwise distance matrix based on a dissimilarity combining both the dynamic time warping and the Mahalanobis distance.


dis_mahalanobis_dtw returns a pairwise distance matrix based on a dynamic time warping distance in which the local cost matrix is computed by using the Mahalanobis distance (Mei et al. 2015).


dis_mahalanobis_dtw(X, M = NULL, ...)



A list of MTS (numerical matrices).


The matrix with respect to compute the Mahalanobis distance (default is the covariance matrix of concatenation of all MTS objects by rows).


Additional parameters for the function. See dtw.


Given a collection of MTS, the function returns the pairwise distance matrix, where the distance between two MTS \boldsymbol X_T and \boldsymbol Y_T is defined as a dynamic time warping-type distance in which the local cost matrix is constructed by using the Mahalanobis distance.


The computed pairwise distance matrix.


Ángel López-Oriona, José A. Vilar


Mei J, Liu M, Wang Y, Gao H (2015). “Learning a mahalanobis distance-based dynamic time warping measure for multivariate time series classification.” IEEE transactions on Cybernetics, 46(6), 1363–1374.

See Also

dis_dtw_1, dis_dtw_2, dis_mahalanobis_dtw


toy_dataset <- Libras$data[1 : 10] # Selecting the first 10 MTS from the
# dataset Libras
distance_matrix <- dis_mahalanobis_dtw(toy_dataset) # Computing the pairwise
# distance matrix based on the distance dis_mahalanobis_dtw

[Package mlmts version 1.1.1 Index]