dis_eros {mlmts}R Documentation

Constructs a pairwise distance matrix based on the Eros distance measure


dis_eros returns a pairwise distance matrix based on the Eros distance proposed by Yang and Shahabi (2004).


dis_eros(X, method = "mean", normalization = FALSE, cor = TRUE)



A list of MTS (numerical matrices).


The aggregated function to compute the weights.


Logical indicating whether the raw eigenvalues or the normalized eigenvalues should be used to compute the weights. Default is FALSE, i.e., the raw eigenvalues are used.


Logical indicating whether the Singular Value Decomposition is applied over the covariance matrix or over the correlation matrix. Default is TRUE, i.e., the correlation matrix is employed to avoid issues of scale.


Given a collection of MTS, the function returns the pairwise distance matrix, where the distance between two MTS \boldsymbol X_T and \boldsymbol Y_T is defined as d_{Eros}(\boldsymbol X_T, \boldsymbol Y_T)=\sqrt{2-2Eros(\boldsymbol X_T, \boldsymbol Y_T)}, where

Eros(\boldsymbol X_T, \boldsymbol Y_T)=\sum_{i=1}^{d}w_i|<\boldsymbol x_i,\boldsymbol y_i>|= \sum_{i=1}^{d}w_i|\cos \theta_i|,

where \{\boldsymbol x_1, \ldots, \boldsymbol x_d\}, \{\boldsymbol y_1, \ldots, \boldsymbol y_d\} are sets of eigenvectors concerning the covariance or correlation matrix of series \boldsymbol X_T and \boldsymbol Y_T, respectively, <\boldsymbol x_i,\boldsymbol y_i> is the inner product of \boldsymbol x_i and \boldsymbol y_i, \boldsymbol w=(w_1, \ldots, w_d) is a vector of weights which is based on the eigenvalues of the MTS dataset with \sum_{i=1}^{d}w_i=1 and \theta_i is the angle between \boldsymbol x_i and \boldsymbol y_i.


The computed pairwise distance matrix.


Ángel López-Oriona, José A. Vilar


Yang K, Shahabi C (2004). “A PCA-based similarity measure for multivariate time series.” In Proceedings of the 2nd ACM international workshop on Multimedia databases, 65–74.


toy_dataset <- BasicMotions$data[1 : 10] # Selecting the first 10 MTS from the
# dataset BasicMotions
distance_matrix <- dis_eros(toy_dataset) # Computing the pairwise
# distance matrix based on the distance dis_eros
distance_matrix <- dis_eros(toy_dataset, method = 'max', normalization = TRUE)
# Considering the function max as aggregation function and the normalized
# eigenvalues for the computation of the weights

[Package mlmts version 1.1.1 Index]