predictForCluster {latrend}R Documentation

Predict trajectories conditional on cluster membership


Predicts the expected trajectory observations at the given time under the assumption that the trajectory belongs to the specified cluster.

For lcModel objects, the same result can be obtained by calling predict() with the newdata data.frame having a "Cluster" assignment column. The main purpose of this function is to make it easier to implement the prediction computations for custom lcModel classes.


predictForCluster(object, newdata = NULL, cluster, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'lcModel'
predictForCluster(object, newdata = NULL, cluster, ..., what = "mu")



The model.


A data.frame of trajectory data for which to compute trajectory assignments.


The cluster name (as character) to predict for.


Arguments passed on to predict.lcModel


Whether to use the "Cluster" column in the newdata argument for computing predictions conditional on the respective cluster. For useCluster = NA (the default), the feature is enabled if newdata contains the "Cluster" column.


The distributional parameter to predict. By default, the mean response 'mu' is predicted. The cluster membership predictions can be obtained by specifying what = 'mb'.


The default predictForCluster(lcModel) method makes use of predict.lcModel(), and vice versa. For this to work, any extending lcModel classes, e.g., lcModelExample, should implement either predictForCluster(lcModelExample) or predict.lcModelExample(). When implementing new models, it is advisable to implement predictForCluster as the cluster-specific computation generally results in shorter and simpler code.


A vector with the predictions per newdata observation, or a data.frame with the predictions and newdata alongside.


Classes extending lcModel should override this method, unless predict.lcModel() is preferred.

setMethod("predictForCluster", "lcModelExt",
 function(object, newdata = NULL, cluster, ..., what = "mu") {
  # return model predictions for the given data under the
  # assumption of the data belonging to the given cluster

See Also


Other lcModel functions: clusterNames(), clusterProportions(), clusterSizes(), clusterTrajectories(), coef.lcModel(), converged(), deviance.lcModel(), df.residual.lcModel(), estimationTime(), externalMetric(), fitted.lcModel(), fittedTrajectories(), getCall.lcModel(), getLcMethod(), ids(), lcModel-class, metric(), model.frame.lcModel(), nClusters(), nIds(), nobs.lcModel(), plot-lcModel-method, plotClusterTrajectories(), plotFittedTrajectories(), postprob(), predict.lcModel(), predictAssignments(), predictPostprob(), qqPlot(), residuals.lcModel(), sigma.lcModel(), strip(), time.lcModel(), trajectoryAssignments()


method <- lcMethodLMKM(Y ~ Time, id = "Id", time = "Time")
model <- latrend(method, latrendData)

  newdata = data.frame(Time = c(0, 1)),
  cluster = "B"

# all fitted values under cluster B
predictForCluster(model, cluster = "B")

[Package latrend version 1.6.1 Index]