lcModels-class {latrend}R Documentation

lcModels: a list of lcModel objects


The lcModels S3 class represents a list of one or more lcModel objects. This makes it easier to work with a collection of models in a more structured manner.

A list of models is outputted from the repeated estimation functions such as latrendRep(), latrendBatch(), and others. You can construct a list of models using the lcModels() function.


See Also

Other lcModels functions: as.lcModels(), lcModels, max.lcModels(), min.lcModels(), plotMetric(), print.lcModels(), subset.lcModels()


method <- lcMethodLMKM(Y ~ Time, id = "Id", time = "Time")
models <- latrendRep(method, data = latrendData, .rep = 5) # 5 repeated runs

bestModel <- min(models, "MAE")

[Package latrend version 1.6.1 Index]