lcMethodLcmmGMM {latrend}R Documentation

Specify GMM method using lcmm


Growth mixture modeling through latent-class linear mixed modeling.


  mixture = ~1,
  random = ~1,
  classmb = ~1,
  time = getOption("latrend.time"),
  id = getOption(""),
  init = "lme",
  nClusters = 2,



The fixed effects formula.


The mixture-specific effects formula. See lcmm::hlme for details.


The random effects formula. See lcmm::hlme for details.


The cluster membership formula for the multinomial logistic model. See lcmm::hlme for details.


The name of the time variable.


The name of the trajectory identifier variable. This replaces the subject argument of lcmm::hlme.


Alternative for the B argument of lcmm::hlme, for initializing the hlme fitting procedure. This is only applicable for nClusters > 1. Options:

  • "lme.random" (default): random initialization through a standard linear mixed model. Assigns a fitted standard linear mixed model enclosed in a call to random() to the B argument.

  • "lme", fits a standard linear mixed model and passes this to the B argument.

  • "gridsearch", a gridsearch is used with initialization from "lme.random", following the approach used by lcmm::gridsearch. To use this initalization, specify arguments gridsearch.maxiter (max number of iterations during search), gridsearch.rep (number of fits during search), and gridsearch.parallel (whether to enable parallel computation).

  • NULL or "default", the default lcmm::hlme input for B is used.

The argument is ignored if the B argument is specified, or nClusters = 1.


The number of clusters to fit. This replaces the ng argument of lcmm::hlme.


Arguments passed to lcmm::hlme. The following arguments are ignored: data, fixed, random, mixture, subject, classmb, returndata, ng, verbose, subset.


Proust-Lima C, Philipps V, Liquet B (2017). “Estimation of Extended Mixed Models Using Latent Classes and Latent Processes: The R Package lcmm.” Journal of Statistical Software, 78(2), 1–56. doi:10.18637/jss.v078.i02.

Proust-Lima C, Philipps V, Diakite A, Liquet B (2019). lcmm: Extended Mixed Models Using Latent Classes and Latent Processes. R package version: 1.8.1,

See Also

Other lcMethod implementations: getArgumentDefaults(), getArgumentExclusions(), lcMethod-class, lcMethodAkmedoids, lcMethodCrimCV, lcMethodDtwclust, lcMethodFeature, lcMethodFunFEM, lcMethodFunction, lcMethodGCKM, lcMethodKML, lcMethodLMKM, lcMethodLcmmGBTM, lcMethodMclustLLPA, lcMethodMixAK_GLMM, lcMethodMixtoolsGMM, lcMethodMixtoolsNPRM, lcMethodRandom, lcMethodStratify



if (rlang::is_installed("lcmm")) {
  method <- lcMethodLcmmGMM(
    fixed = Y ~ Time,
    mixture = ~ Time,
    random = ~ 1,
    id = "Id",
    time = "Time",
    nClusters = 2
  gmm <- latrend(method, data = latrendData)

  # define method with gridsearch
  method <- lcMethodLcmmGMM(
    fixed = Y ~ Time,
    mixture = ~ Time,
    random = ~ 1,
    id = "Id",
    time = "Time",
    nClusters = 3,
    init = "gridsearch",
    gridsearch.maxiter = 10,
    gridsearch.rep = 50,
    gridsearch.parallel = TRUE

[Package latrend version 1.6.1 Index]