Functions for Tabular Reporting

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Documentation for package ‘flextable’ version 0.9.6

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flextable-package flextable: Functions for Tabular Reporting

-- A --

add_body Add column values as new lines in body
add_body_row Add body labels
add_footer Add column values as new lines in footer
add_footer_lines Add labels as new rows in the footer
add_footer_row Add footer labels
add_header Add column values as new lines in header
add_header_lines Add labels as new rows in the header
add_header_row Add header labels
align Set text alignment
align_nottext_col Set text alignment
align_text_col Set text alignment
append_chunks Append chunks to flextable content
as_b Bold chunk
as_bracket Chunk with values in brackets
as_chunk Chunk of text wrapper
as_equation Equation chunk
as_flextable Method to transform objects into flextables
as_flextable.brmsfit Transform a mixed model into a flextable Transform and summarise a 'data.frame' into a flextable Simple summary of a data.frame as a flextable
as_flextable.gam Transform a 'gam' model into a flextable
as_flextable.glm Transform a 'glm' object into a flextable
as_flextable.glmmadmb Transform a mixed model into a flextable
as_flextable.glmmTMB Transform a mixed model into a flextable
as_flextable.gls Transform a mixed model into a flextable
as_flextable.grouped_data Transform a 'grouped_data' object into a flextable
as_flextable.htest Transform a 'htest' object into a flextable
as_flextable.kmeans Transform a 'kmeans' object into a flextable
as_flextable.lm Transform a 'lm' object into a flextable
as_flextable.lme Transform a mixed model into a flextable
as_flextable.merMod Transform a mixed model into a flextable
as_flextable.nlme Transform a mixed model into a flextable
as_flextable.pam Transform a 'pam' object into a flextable
as_flextable.summarizor Transform a 'summarizor' object into a flextable
as_flextable.table Transform a 'table' object into a flextable
as_flextable.tabular Transform a 'tables::tabular' object into a flextable
as_flextable.tabulator Transform a 'tabulator' object into a flextable
as_flextable.xtable Transform a 'xtable' object into a flextable
as_grouped_data Add row separators to grouped data
as_highlight Highlight chunk
as_i Italic chunk
as_image Image chunk wrapper
as_paragraph Concatenate chunks in a flextable
as_sub Subscript chunk
as_sup Superscript chunk
as_word_field 'Word' computed field
autofit Adjusts cell widths and heights

-- B --

before Is an element before a match with entries
bg Set background color
body_add_flextable Add flextable into a Word document
body_replace_flextable_at_bkm Add flextable at boorkmark location in a Word document
bold Set bold font
border_inner Set vertical & horizontal inner borders
border_inner_h Set inner borders
border_inner_v Set vertical inner borders
border_outer Set outer borders
border_remove Remove borders

-- C --

colformat_char Format character cells
colformat_date Format date cells
colformat_datetime Format datetime cells
colformat_double Format numeric cells
colformat_image Format cells as images
colformat_int Format integer cells
colformat_lgl Format logical cells
colformat_num Format numeric cells
color Set font color
colorize Colorize chunk
compose Define displayed values and mixed content
continuous_summary Continuous columns summary

-- D --

delete_columns Delete flextable columns
delete_part Delete flextable part
delete_rows Delete flextable rows
df_printer data.frame automatic printing as a flextable
dim.flextable Get widths and heights of flextable
dim.flextableGrob Get optimal width and height of a flextable grob
dim_pretty Calculate pretty dimensions

-- E --

empty_blanks Make blank columns as transparent

-- F --

fit_to_width Fit a flextable to a maximum width
fix_border_issues Fix border issues when cell are merged
flextable flextable creation
flextable_dim Get width and height of a flextable object
flextable_to_rmd Knitr rendering in loops and if statements
fmt_2stats Format content for data generated with summarizor()
fmt_avg_dev Format content for mean and sd
fmt_dbl Format numerical data
fmt_header_n Format count data for headers
fmt_int Format numerical data as integer
fmt_n_percent Format content for count data
fmt_pct Format numerical data as percentages
fmt_signif_after_zeros Format with significant figures after zeros
fmt_summarizor Format content for data generated with summarizor()
font Set font
fontsize Set font size
footnote Add footnotes to flextable
fp_border_default Border formatting properties
fp_text_default Text formatting properties

-- G --

gen_grob Convert a flextable to a grid grob object
get_flextable_defaults Get flextable defaults formatting properties
gg_chunk 'ggplots' chunk wrapper
grid_chunk 'Grid Graphics' chunk wrapper

-- H --

height Set flextable rows height
height_all Set flextable rows height
highlight Text highlight color
hline Set horizontal borders
hline_bottom Set bottom horizontal border
hline_top Set top horizontal border
hrule Set flextable rule for rows heights
htmltools_value flextable as an 'HTML' object
hyperlink_text Chunk of text with hyperlink

-- I --

init_flextable_defaults Modify flextable defaults formatting properties
italic Set italic font

-- K --

keep_with_next Set Word 'Keep with next' instructions
knit_print.flextable Render flextable with 'knitr'

-- L --

labelizor Change displayed labels
linerange Mini linerange chunk wrapper
line_spacing Set text alignment
lollipop Mini lollipop chart chunk wrapper

-- M --

merge_at Merge flextable cells into a single one
merge_h Merge flextable cells horizontally
merge_h_range Rowwise merge of a range of columns
merge_none Delete flextable merging informations
merge_v Merge flextable cells vertically
minibar Mini barplots chunk wrapper
mk_par Define displayed values and mixed content

-- N --

ncol_keys Number of columns
nrow_part Number of rows of a part

-- P --

padding Set paragraph paddings
paginate Paginate tables
ph_with.flextable Add a flextable into a PowerPoint slide
plot.flextable Plot a flextable
plot.flextableGrob plot a flextable grob
plot_chunk Mini plots chunk wrapper
prepend_chunks Prepend chunks to flextable content
print.flextable flextable printing
proc_freq Frequency table

-- Q --

qflextable flextable creation

-- R --

rotate Rotate cell text
rtf_add.flextable Add a 'flextable' into an RTF document

-- S --

save_as_docx Save flextable objects in a 'Word' file
save_as_html Save flextable objects in an 'HTML' file
save_as_image Save a flextable in a 'png' or 'svg' file
save_as_pptx Save flextable objects in a 'PowerPoint' file
save_as_rtf Save flextable objects in an 'RTF' file
separate_header Split column names using a separator into multiple rows
set_caption Set Caption
set_flextable_defaults Modify flextable defaults formatting properties
set_footer_df Set flextable's header or footer rows
set_formatter Set column formatter functions
set_formatter_type Set column formatter functions
set_header_df Set flextable's header or footer rows
set_header_footer_df Set flextable's header or footer rows
set_header_labels Change headers labels
set_table_properties Global table properties
shift_table Create a shift table
style Set flextable style
summarizor Data summary preparation
summary.tabulator Tabulation of aggregations
surround Set borders for a selection of cells

-- T --

tabulator Tabulation of aggregations
tabulator_colnames Column keys of tabulator objects
tab_settings Set tabulation marks configuration
theme_alafoli Apply alafoli theme
theme_apa Apply APA theme
theme_booktabs Apply booktabs theme
theme_box Apply box theme
theme_tron Apply tron theme
theme_tron_legacy Apply tron legacy theme
theme_vader Apply Sith Lord Darth Vader theme
theme_vanilla Apply vanilla theme
theme_zebra Apply zebra theme
to_html.flextable Get HTML code as a string

-- U --

use_df_printer Set data.frame automatic printing as a flextable
use_model_printer set model automatic printing as a flextable

-- V --

valign Set vertical alignment
vline Set vertical borders
vline_left Set flextable left vertical borders
vline_right Set flextable right vertical borders
void Delete flextable content

-- W --

width Set columns width