'DT' Extension for CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) Applications in 'shiny'

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Documentation for package ‘editbl’ version 1.0.3

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addButtons Add modification buttons as a column
beginTransaction Start a transaction for a tibble
castForDisplay Cast columns in 'data.frame' to editable types in datatable
castFromTbl Cast tbl to class of template
castToFactor Cast all columns that exist in a foreignTbl to factor
castToSQLSupportedType Cast the data type to something supported by SQL.
castToTbl Cast data to tbl
castToTemplate Cast 'tbl' or 'data.frame' x to the types of the template
checkForeignTbls Check if all rows in tbl fufill 'foreignTbl' constraints
coalesce Return first non 'NULL' argument
coerceColumns Cast columns to the type of the template
coerceValue 'DT::coerceValue' with better 'POSIXct' support
commitTransaction Start a transaction for a tibble
connectDB Connect to a database.
createButtons Create buttons to modify the row. See 'createButtonsHTML'
createButtonsHTML Helper function to write HTML
customButton Generate a custom button for 'eDT'
demoServer_custom Server of the mtcars demo app
demoServer_DB Server of the DB demo app
demoServer_mtcars Server of the mtcars demo app
demoUI_custom UI of the demo mtcars app
demoUI_DB UI of the DB demo app
demoUI_mtcars UI of the demo mtcars app
devServer Server of the development app
devUI UI of the development app
disableDoubleClickButtonCss Function to generate CSS to disable clicking events on a column
eDT Create a modifieable datatable.
eDTOutput UI part of 'eDT'
eDT_app Open interactive app to explore and modify data
eDT_app_server Server of eDT_app
eDT_app_ui UI of eDT_app
e_rows_insert Insert rows into a tibble
e_rows_insert.default Insert rows into a tibble
e_rows_insert.dtplyr_step rows_insert implementation for 'data.table' backends.
e_rows_insert.tbl_dbi rows_insert implementation for DBI backends.
e_rows_update Update rows of a tibble
e_rows_update.data.frame rows_update implementation for data.frame backends.
e_rows_update.default Update rows of a tibble
e_rows_update.dtplyr_step rows_update implementation for data.table backends.
e_rows_update.tbl_dbi rows_update implementation for DBI backends.
fillDeductedColumns Fill data columns based on foreignTbls
fixInteger64 Replace instances of integer64 with actual NA values instead of weird default 9218868437227407266
foreignTbl Create a foreign tibble
getColumnTypeSums Get types of columns in a tbl
getNonNaturalKeyCols Get all columns that are not natural keys
get_db_table_name Get name of the tbl in the database
initData Add some extra columns to data to allow for / keep track of modifications
inputServer An input server for a 'data.frame'
inputServer.default An input server for a 'data.frame'
inputUI An input UI for a 'data.frame'
inputUI.default UI part for modal with input fields for editing
isMissing Check if an argument is missing
joinForeignTbl Merge a tbl with it a foreignTbl
rollbackTransaction Start a transaction for a tibble
rowInsert Add a row to a table in the database.
rows_delete.dtplyr_step rows_delete implementation for data.table backends.
rowUpdate Update rows in the database.
runDemoApp Run a demo app
runDemoApp_custom Run a custom demo app
runDemoApp_DB Run a demo app
runDemoApp_mtcars Run a demo app
runDevApp Run a development app
selectInputDT_Server Server part to use a 'datatable' as select input
selectInputDT_UI UI part of a DT select input
shinyInput Get a shiny input for a column of a 'tbl'
standardizeArgument_colnames Standardize colnames argument to the format of named character vector
standardizeArgument_editable Standardized editable argument to be in the form of a list
whereSQL Generate where sql