hampi {dodgr}R Documentation

Sample street network from Hampi, India.


A sample street network from the township of Hampi, Karnataka, India.


A Simple Features sf data.frame containing the street network of Hampi.


Can be re-created with the following command, which also removes extraneous columns to reduce size:

See Also

Other data: os_roads_bristol, weighting_profiles


## Not run: 
hampi <- dodgr_streetnet ("hampi india")
cols <- c ("osm_id", "highway", "oneway", "geometry")
hampi <- hampi [, which (names (hampi) %in% cols)]

## End(Not run)
# this 'sf data.frame' can be converted to a 'dodgr' network with
net <- weight_streetnet (hampi, wt_profile = "foot")

[Package dodgr version 0.4.0 Index]