Bayesian Additive Models for Location, Scale, and Shape (and Beyond)

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Documentation for package ‘bamlss’ version 1.2-4

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bamlss-package Bayesian Additive Models for Location Scale and Shape (and Beyond)

-- A --

ALD_bamlss Distribution Families in 'bamlss'
AR1 AR1 Transformer Function
AR1_bamlss Distribution Families in 'bamlss'

-- B --

BAMLSS Create 'distributions3' Object
bamlss Fit Bayesian Additive Models for Location Scale and Shape (and Beyond)
bamlss.engine.helpers BAMLSS Engine Helper Functions
bamlss.engine.setup BAMLSS Engine Setup Function Distribution Families in 'bamlss'
bamlss.formula Formulae for BAMLSS
bamlss.frame Create a Model Frame for BAMLSS
bamlss.model.frame BAMLSS Model Frame
BayesX Markov Chain Monte Carlo for BAMLSS using 'BayesX'
BayesX.control Markov Chain Monte Carlo for BAMLSS using 'BayesX'
bayesx2 Some Shortcuts
bbfit Batchwise Backfitting
bbfitp Batchwise Backfitting
bboost Bootstrap Boosting
bboost_plot Bootstrap Boosting
beta1_bamlss Distribution Families in 'bamlss'
beta_bamlss Distribution Families in 'bamlss'
bfit Fit BAMLSS with Backfitting
bfit_glmnet Fit BAMLSS with Backfitting
bfit_iwls Fit BAMLSS with Backfitting
bfit_iwls_lm Fit BAMLSS with Backfitting
bfit_iwls_Matrix Fit BAMLSS with Backfitting
bfit_iwls_optim Fit BAMLSS with Backfitting
bfit_lm Fit BAMLSS with Backfitting
bfit_optim Fit BAMLSS with Backfitting
binomial_bamlss Distribution Families in 'bamlss'
boost Boosting BAMLSS
boost2 Some Shortcuts
boostm Boosting BAMLSS
boost_frame Boosting BAMLSS
boost_plot Boosting BAMLSS
boost_summary Boosting BAMLSS
BUGSeta Markov Chain Monte Carlo for BAMLSS using JAGS
BUGSmodel Markov Chain Monte Carlo for BAMLSS using JAGS

-- C --

c95 Compute 95% Credible Interval and Mean
cdf.BAMLSS Create 'distributions3' Object
cnorm_bamlss Distribution Families in 'bamlss'
coef.bamlss Extract BAMLSS Coefficients
colorlegend Plot a Color Legend
confint.bamlss Extract BAMLSS Coefficients
continue Continue Sampling
contribplot Batchwise Backfitting
cox_bamlss Distribution Families in 'bamlss'
cox_mcmc Cox Model Markov Chain Monte Carlo
cox_mode Cox Model Posterior Mode Estimation
cox_predict Cox Model Prediction
Crazy Crazy simulated data
CRPS Continuous Rank Probability Score
cv_ddnn Deep Distributional Neural Network

-- D --

ddnn Deep Distributional Neural Network
DGP_bamlss Distribution Families in 'bamlss'
DIC Deviance Information Criterion
dirichlet_bamlss Distribution Families in 'bamlss'
dist_mvnchol Cholesky MVN (disttree)
dw_bamlss Distribution Families in 'bamlss'

-- E --

ELF_bamlss Distribution Families in 'bamlss'
engines Show Available Engines for a Family Object

-- F --

family.BAMLSS Create 'distributions3' Object
family.bamlss Distribution Families in 'bamlss'
family.bamlss.frame Distribution Families in 'bamlss'
fatalities Weekly Number of Fatalities in Austria
fitted.bamlss BAMLSS Fitted Values
format.BAMLSS Create 'distributions3' Object

-- G --

GAMart GAM Artificial Data Set
gamlss_distributions Extract Distribution families of the 'gamlss.dist' Package
gamma_bamlss Distribution Families in 'bamlss'
gaussian2_bamlss Distribution Families in 'bamlss'
Gaussian_bamlss Distribution Families in 'bamlss'
gaussian_bamlss Distribution Families in 'bamlss'
get.par BAMLSS Engine Helper Functions
get.state BAMLSS Engine Helper Functions
get_BayesXsrc Markov Chain Monte Carlo for BAMLSS using 'BayesX'
GEV_bamlss Distribution Families in 'bamlss'
gF Get a BAMLSS Family
glogis_bamlss Distribution Families in 'bamlss'
GMCMC General Markov Chain Monte Carlo for BAMLSS
GMCMC_iwls General Markov Chain Monte Carlo for BAMLSS
GMCMC_iwlsC General Markov Chain Monte Carlo for BAMLSS
GMCMC_iwlsC_gp General Markov Chain Monte Carlo for BAMLSS
GMCMC_slice General Markov Chain Monte Carlo for BAMLSS
Golf Prices of Used Cars Data
gpareto_bamlss Distribution Families in 'bamlss'
gumbel_bamlss Distribution Families in 'bamlss'

-- H --

homstart_data HOMSTART Precipitation Data

-- I --

isgd Implicit Stochastic Gradient Descent Optimizer
is_continuous.BAMLSS Create 'distributions3' Object
is_discrete.BAMLSS Create 'distributions3' Object

-- J --

JAGS Markov Chain Monte Carlo for BAMLSS using JAGS
jm_bamlss Fit Flexible Additive Joint Models
jm_mcmc Fit Flexible Additive Joint Models
jm_mode Fit Flexible Additive Joint Models
jm_predict Fit Flexible Additive Joint Models
jm_survplot Fit Flexible Additive Joint Models
jm_transform Fit Flexible Additive Joint Models

-- K --

kurtosis.BAMLSS Create 'distributions3' Object

-- L --

la Lasso Smooth Constructor
lasso Lasso Smooth Constructor
lasso2 Some Shortcuts
lasso_coef Lasso Smooth Constructor
lasso_plot Lasso Smooth Constructor
lasso_stop Lasso Smooth Constructor
lasso_transform Lasso Smooth Constructor
lin Linear Effects for BAMLSS
logNN_bamlss Distribution Families in 'bamlss'
lognormal_bamlss Distribution Families in 'bamlss'
log_pdf.BAMLSS Create 'distributions3' Object
LondonBoroughs London Fire Data
LondonBoundaries London Fire Data
LondonFire London Fire Data
LondonFStations London Fire Data

-- M --

make_formula Formula Generator
make_weights Neural Networks for BAMLSS
mean.BAMLSS Create 'distributions3' Object
mix_bamlss Distribution Families in 'bamlss'
model.frame.bamlss BAMLSS Model Frame
model.frame.bamlss.frame BAMLSS Model Frame
model.matrix.bamlss.formula Construct/Extract BAMLSS Design Matrices
model.matrix.bamlss.frame Construct/Extract BAMLSS Design Matrices
model.matrix.bamlss.terms Construct/Extract BAMLSS Design Matrices
multinomial_bamlss Distribution Families in 'bamlss'
mvnchol_bamlss Cholesky MVN
MVNORM Create Samples for BAMLSS by Multivariate Normal Approximation
mvnormAR1_bamlss Distribution Families in 'bamlss'
mvnorm_bamlss Distribution Families in 'bamlss'
mvn_chol Cholesky MVN
mvn_modchol Modified Cholesky MVN

-- N --

n Neural Networks for BAMLSS
n.weights Neural Networks for BAMLSS
nbinom_bamlss Distribution Families in 'bamlss'
neighbormatrix Compute a Neighborhood Matrix from Spatial Polygons

-- O --

opt_bbfit Batchwise Backfitting
opt_bbfitp Batchwise Backfitting
opt_bfit Fit BAMLSS with Backfitting
opt_boost Boosting BAMLSS
opt_boostm Boosting BAMLSS
opt_Cox Cox Model Posterior Mode Estimation
opt_isgd Implicit Stochastic Gradient Descent Optimizer
opt_JM Fit Flexible Additive Joint Models
opt_lasso Lasso Smooth Constructor

-- P --

parameters Extract or Initialize Parameters for BAMLSS
pathplot Plot Coefficients Paths
pdf.BAMLSS Create 'distributions3' Object
plot.bamlss Plotting BAMLSS
plot.bamlss.residuals Compute BAMLSS Residuals
plot.bamlss.results Plotting BAMLSS
plot.boost_summary Boosting BAMLSS
plot.stabsel Stability selection.
plot2d Plot 2D Effects
plot3d Plot 3D Effects
plotblock Factor Variable and Random Effects Plots
plotmap Plot Maps
plotneighbors Compute a Neighborhood Matrix from Spatial Polygons
plotnonp Plot 2D Effects
poisson_bamlss Distribution Families in 'bamlss'
predict.bamlss BAMLSS Prediction
predict.bboost Bootstrap Boosting
predict.ddnn Deep Distributional Neural Network
Predict.matrix.kriging.smooth Kriging Smooth Constructor
Predict.matrix.tensorX.smooth Markov Chain Monte Carlo for BAMLSS using 'BayesX'
Predict.matrix.tensorX3.smooth Markov Chain Monte Carlo for BAMLSS using 'BayesX'
predictn Neural Networks for BAMLSS
print.BAMLSS Create 'distributions3' Object
print.boost_summary Boosting BAMLSS
print.summary.bamlss Summary for BAMLSS

-- Q --

quantile.BAMLSS Create 'distributions3' Object
quant_bamlss Markov Chain Monte Carlo for BAMLSS using 'BayesX'

-- R --

random.BAMLSS Create 'distributions3' Object
randomize Transform Smooth Constructs to Random Effects
rb Random Bits for BAMLSS
residuals.bamlss Compute BAMLSS Residuals
response_name Extract the reponse name of a 'bamlss.frame' object.
results.bamlss.default Compute BAMLSS Results for Plotting and Summaries
rJM Simulate longitudinal and survival data for joint models
rmf Remove Special Characters
rSurvTime2 Simulate Survival Times

-- S --

s2 Special Smooths in BAMLSS Formulae
samples Extract Samples
samples.bamlss Extract Samples
samples.bamlss.frame Extract Samples
samplestats Sampling Statistics
sam_BayesX Markov Chain Monte Carlo for BAMLSS using 'BayesX'
sam_Cox Cox Model Markov Chain Monte Carlo
sam_GMCMC General Markov Chain Monte Carlo for BAMLSS
sam_JAGS Markov Chain Monte Carlo for BAMLSS using JAGS
sam_JM Fit Flexible Additive Joint Models
sam_MVNORM Create Samples for BAMLSS by Multivariate Normal Approximation
scale2 Scaling Vectors and Matrices
set.par BAMLSS Engine Helper Functions
set.starting.values BAMLSS Engine Helper Functions
Sichel_bamlss Distribution Families in 'bamlss'
simdata Reference data.
simJM Simulate longitudinal and survival data for joint models
simSurv Simulate Survival Times
skewness.BAMLSS Create 'distributions3' Object
sliceplot Plot Slices of Bivariate Functions
smooth.construct Constructor Functions for Smooth Terms in BAMLSS
smooth.construct.bamlss.formula Constructor Functions for Smooth Terms in BAMLSS
smooth.construct.bamlss.frame Constructor Functions for Smooth Terms in BAMLSS
smooth.construct.bamlss.terms Constructor Functions for Smooth Terms in BAMLSS Kriging Smooth Constructor
smooth.construct.linear.smooth.spec Linear Effects for BAMLSS Smooth constructor for monotonic P-splines
smooth.construct.randombits.smooth.spec Random Bits for BAMLSS Random Effects P-Spline
smooth.construct.tensorX.smooth.spec Markov Chain Monte Carlo for BAMLSS using 'BayesX'
smooth.construct.tensorX3.smooth.spec Markov Chain Monte Carlo for BAMLSS using 'BayesX'
smooth_check MCMC Based Simple Significance Check for Smooth Terms
stabsel Stability selection.
summary.bamlss Summary for BAMLSS
support.BAMLSS Create 'distributions3' Object
Surv2 Create a Survival Object for Joint Models
surv_transform Survival Model Transformer Function
sx Markov Chain Monte Carlo for BAMLSS using 'BayesX'

-- T --

TempIbk Temperature data.
terms.bamlss BAMLSS Model Terms
terms.bamlss.formula BAMLSS Model Terms
terms.bamlss.frame BAMLSS Model Terms
trans_AR1 AR1 Transformer Function
trans_random Transform Smooth Constructs to Random Effects
tx Markov Chain Monte Carlo for BAMLSS using 'BayesX'
tx2 Markov Chain Monte Carlo for BAMLSS using 'BayesX'
tx3 Markov Chain Monte Carlo for BAMLSS using 'BayesX'
tx4 Markov Chain Monte Carlo for BAMLSS using 'BayesX'

-- V --

variance.BAMLSS Create 'distributions3' Object
Volcano Artificial Data Set based on Auckland's Maunga Whau Volcano

-- W --

WAIC Watanabe-Akaike Information Criterion (WAIC)
weibull_bamlss Distribution Families in 'bamlss'

-- Z --

ZANBI_bamlss Distribution Families in 'bamlss'
ztnbinom_bamlss Distribution Families in 'bamlss'