diss {TSclust}R Documentation

TSclust Dissimilarity Computation


Computes the dissimilarity matrix of the given numeric matrix, list, data.frame or mts object using the selected TSclust dissimilarity method.


diss(SERIES, METHOD, ...)



Numeric matrix, list, data.frame or mts object. Numeric matrices are interpreted row-wise (one series per row) meanwhile data.frame and mts objects are interpredted column-wise.


the dissimilarity measure to be used. This must be one of "ACF", "AR.LPC.CEPS", "AR.MAH", "AR.PIC", "CDM", "CID", "COR", "CORT", "DTWARP", "DWT", "EUCL", "FRECHET", INT.PER", "NCD", "PACF", "PDC", PER", "PRED", "MINDIST.SAX", "SPEC.LLR", "SPEC.GLK" or "SPEC.ISD". Any unambiguous substring can be given. See details for individual usage.


Additional arguments for the selected method.


SERIES argument can be a numeric matrix, with one row per series, a list object with one numeric vector per element, a data.frame or a mts object. Some methods can have additional arguments. See the individual help page for each dissimilarity method, detailed below. Methods that have arguments that require one value per time series in series must provide so using a vector, a matrix (in the case of a multivalued argument) or a list when appropiate. In the case of a matrix, the values are conveyed row-wise. See the AR.LPC.CEPS example below.



A dist object with the pairwise dissimilarities between series.

Some methods produce additional output, see their respective documentation pages for more information.


Pablo Montero Manso, José Antonio Vilar.


Montero, P and Vilar, J.A. (2014) TSclust: An R Package for Time Series Clustering. Journal of Statistical Software, 62(1), 1-43. http://www.jstatsoft.org/v62/i01/.

See Also

pdc, dist


diss(electricity, METHOD="INT.PER", normalize=FALSE)

## Example of multivalued, one per series argument
## The AR.LPC.CEPS dissimilarity allows the specification of the ARIMA model for each series
## Create three sample time series and a mts object
x <- arima.sim(model=list(ar=c(0.4,-0.1)), n =100, n.start=100)
y <- arima.sim(model=list(ar=c(0.9)), n =100, n.start=100)
z <- arima.sim(model=list(ar=c(0.5, 0.2)), n =100, n.start=100)
seriests <- rbind(x,y,z)

## If we want to provide the ARIMA order for each series
## and use it with AR.LPC.CEPS, we create a matrix with the row-wise orders
orderx <- c(2,0,0) 
ordery <- c(1,0,0)
orderz <- c(2,0,0)
orders = rbind(orderx, ordery, orderz)

diss( seriests, METHOD="AR.LPC.CEPS", k=30, order= orders )

##other examples
diss( seriests, METHOD="MINDIST.SAX", w=10, alpha=4 )
diss( seriests, METHOD="PDC" )

[Package TSclust version 1.3.1 Index]