ValueObject {R6P}R Documentation

Value Object Pattern


Model a domain concept using natural lingo of the domain experts, such as "Passenger", "Address", and "Money".


ValueObject(given = NA_character_, family = NA_character_)



(character) A character vector with the given name.


(character) A character vector with the family name.


<div class="alert alert-danger"> **Caution:** ValueObject is designed for demonstration purposes. Instead of directly using the design pattern as it appears in the package, you'd have to adjust the source code to the problem you are trying to solve. </div> <!– One line about what the function does –>

A Value Object models a domain concept using natural lingo of the domain experts, such as "Passenger", "Address", and "Money".

Any Value Object is created by a function that receives input, applies some transformations, and outputs the results in some data structure such as a vector, a list or a data.frame.

How It Works

In R, a good option for creating a Value Object is to follow two instructions:

In essence, a Value Object is a data type, like integer, logical, Date or data.frame data types to name a few. While the built-in data types in R fit any application, Value Objects are domain specific and as such, they fit only to a specific application. This is because, integer is an abstract that represent whole numbers. This abstract is useful in any application. However, a Value Object represent a high-level abstraction that appears in a particular domain.

An example of a Value Object is the notion of a "Person". Any person in the world has a name. Needless to say, a person name is spelt by letters, rather than numbers. A Value Object captures these attribute as tibble columns and type checks:

Person <- function(given = NA_character_, family = NA_character_){
  stopifnot(is.character(given), is.character(family))
  stopifnot(length(given) == length(family))
    tibble::tibble(given = given, family = family)
    %>% tidyr::drop_na(given)

Instantiating a person Value Object is done by calling the Person constructor function:

person <- Person(given = "Bilbo", family = "Baggins")

Getting to know the advantages of a Value Object, we should consider the typical alternative – constructing a Person by using the tibble function directly:

person <- tibble::tibble(given = "Bilbo", family = "Baggins")

Both implementations return objects with identical content and structure, that is, their column names, column types and cell values are identical. Then, why would one prefer using a Value Object and its constructor over the direct alternative?

There are four predominant qualities offered by the Value Object pattern which are not offered by the alternative:

  1. Readability. Each Value Object captures a concept belonging to the problem domain. Rather than trying to infer what a tibble is by looking at its low-level details, the Value Object constructor descries a context on a high-level.

  2. Explicitness. Since the constructor of the Value Object is a function, its expected input arguments and their type can be detailed in a helper file. Moreover, assigning input arguments with default values of specific type, such as NA (logical NA), NA_integer_, NA_character_, or NA_Date (see lubridate::NA_Date), expresses clearly the variable types of the Value Object.

  3. Coherence. The representation of a Value Object is concentrated in one place – its constructor. Any change, mainly modifications and extensions, applied to the constructor promise the change would propagate to all instances of the Value Objects. That means, no structure discrepancies between instances that are supposed to represent the same concept.

  4. Safety. The constructor may start with defensive programming to ensure the qualities of its input. One important assertion is type checking. Type checking eliminated the risk of implicit type coercing. Another important assertion is checking if the lengths of the input arguments meet some criteria, say all inputs are of the same length, or more restrictively, all inputs are scalars. Having a set of checks makes the code base more robust. This is because Value Objects are regularly created with the output of other functions calls, having a set of checks serves as pseudo-tests of these functions output throughout the code.

In addition to these qualities, there are two desirable behaviours which are not offered by directly calling tibble:

  1. Null Value Object. Calling the Value Object constructor with no input arguments returns the structure of the tibble (column names and column types).

  2. Default values for missing input arguments. In this manner, the Value Object has a well-defined behaviour for a person without a family name, such as Madonna and Bono.

In addition to native R data types, a Value Object constructor can receive other Value Objects as input arguments. Here are two examples that transmute Person to other Person-based concepts:

# A Passenger is a Person with a flight booking reference
Passenger <- function(person = Person(), booking_reference = NA_character_){
  stopifnot(all(colnames(person) %in% colnames(Person())))
    %>% tibble::add_column(booking_reference = booking_reference)
    %>% tidyr::drop_na(booking_reference)

person <- Person(given = "Bilbo", family = "Baggins")
passenger <- Passenger(person = person, booking_reference = "B662HR")
#> # A tibble: 1 × 3
#>   given family  booking_reference
#>   <chr> <chr>   <chr>            
#> 1 Bilbo Baggins B662HR
# A Diner is a Person that may have dinner reservation
Diner <- function(person = Person(), reservation_time = NA_POSIXct_){
  stopifnot(all(colnames(person) %in% colnames(Person())))
    %>% tibble::add_column(reservation_time = reservation_time)

person <- Person(given = "Bilbo", family = "Baggins")
timestamp <- as.POSIXct("2021-01-23 18:00:00 NZDT")
diner <- Diner(person = person, reservation_time = timestamp)
#> # A tibble: 1 × 3
#>   given family  reservation_time   
#>   <chr> <chr>   <dttm>             
#> 1 Bilbo Baggins 2021-01-23 18:00:00

When to Use It

Audience <- Person

## Without a Value Object
clean_audience_data <- function(data) 
  dplyr::mutate(.data = data, given = stringr::str_to_title(given))

## With a Value Object
clean_audience_data <- function(attendees = Audience()) 
  dplyr::mutate(.data = attendees, given = stringr::str_to_title(given))

<div class="alert alert-warning"> **Note:** **Value Objects** do not need to have unit-tests. This is because of two reasons: (1) **Value Objects** are often called by other functions that are being tested. That means, **Value Objects** are implicitly tested. (2) **Value Objects** are data types similarly to 'data.frame' or 'list'. As such, they need no testing </div>

See Also

Other base design patterns: NullObject(), Singleton


# See more examples at <>

# In this example we are appointing elected officials to random ministries, just
# like in real-life.
Person <- ValueObject

# Create a test for objects of type Person
# * Extract the column names of Person by using its Null Object (returned by Person())
# * Check that the input argument has all the columns that a Person has
is.Person <- function(x) all(colnames(x) %in% colnames(Person()))

# A 'Minister' is a 'Person' with a ministry title. We capture that information
# in a new Value Object named 'Minister'.
# The Minister constructor requires two inputs:
# 1. (`Person`) Members of parliament
# 2. (`character`) Ministry titles
Minister <- function(member = Person(), title = NA_character_){
    stopifnot(is.Person(member), is.character(title))
    stopifnot(nrow(member) == length(title) | all(

    member %>% dplyr::mutate(title = title)

# Given one or more parliament members
# When appoint_random_ministries is called
# Then the parliament members are appointed to an office.
appoint_random_ministries <- function(member = Person()){
    positions <- c(
        "Arts, Culture and Heritage", "Finance", "Corrections",
        "Racing", "Sport and Recreation", "Housing", "Energy and Resources",
        "Education", "Public Service", "Disability Issues", "Environment",
        "Justice", "Immigration", "Defence", "Internal Affairs", "Transport"

   Minister(member = member, title = sample(positions, size = nrow(member)))

# Listing New Zealand elected officials in 2020, we instantiate a Person Object,
# appoint them to random offices and return a Member value object.

parliament_members <- Person(
    given = c("Jacinda", "Grant",     "Kelvin", "Megan", "Chris",   "Carmel"),
    family = c("Ardern", "Robertson", "Davis",  "Woods", "Hipkins", "Sepuloni")


appoint_random_ministries(member = parliament_members)

[Package R6P version 0.3.0 Index]