PMCMR-deprecated {PMCMR}R Documentation

Deprecated Functions in Package PMCMR


These functions are provided for reverse-dependencies issues of other R-packages. They should no longer be used, as actively maintained functions can be found in the package PMCMRplus. The functions may be defunct as soon as the next release.


posthoc.durbin.test(y, ...)

## Default S3 method:
posthoc.durbin.test(y, groups, blocks, p.adjust.method = p.adjust.methods, ...)



either a numeric vector of data values, or a data matrix.


further arguments to be passed to or from methods.


a vector giving the group for the corresponding elements of y if this is a vector; ignored if y is a matrix. If not a factor object, it is coerced to one.


a vector giving the block for the corresponding elements of y if this is a vector; ignored if y is a matrix. If not a factor object, it is coerced to one.


Method for adjusting p values (see p.adjust).


A list with class "PMCMR"


The function does not test, whether it is a true BIBD.

This function does not test for ties.


W. J. Conover and R. L. Iman (1979), On multiple-comparisons procedures, Tech. Rep. LA-7677-MS, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory.

W. J. Conover (1999), Practical nonparametric Statistics, 3rd. Edition, Wiley.


## Not run: 
## Example for an incomplete block design:
## Data from Conover (1999, p. 391).
y <- matrix(c(2, NA, NA, NA, 3, NA, 3, 3,
3, NA, NA, NA,  3, NA, NA,
1,  2, NA, NA, NA,  1,  1, NA,  1,  1,
NA, NA, NA, NA,  2, NA,  2,  1, NA, NA, NA, NA,
3, NA,  2,  1, NA, NA, NA, NA,  3, NA,  2,  2),
ncol=7, nrow=7, byrow=FALSE,
dimnames=list(1:7, LETTERS[1:7]))


## End(Not run)

[Package PMCMR version 4.4 Index]